Someone posted a link on fb basically upset that some woman was banned from fb for posting a pic of herself bf'ing. I guess what caused the ban was the fact that her kid was nibbling on bacon and simply nuzzled against her bare breast.
Which gets me to my annoyance... What is the point of even posting a pic of yourself breast feeding? I don't get it... I'm not against it, it's a wonderful thing, etc. etc. But sex is natural, too, and i don't need to see a pic of 2 people "making love."
I'm happy you bf... but is it really necessary to post a pic of your baby sucking on your teet??
Am i alone in this little boat?
Re: Amiright??
Breastfeeding is part of caring for a baby. If you can post a pic of someone feeding from a bottle, bathing a baby, rocking a baby, and so on, what is wrong with nursing?
The banned pic was different. Te baby was not actually nursing.
We had a friend do a bfing photo shoot and post very "look how awesome I am for bfing" pics it was ridiculous.
Yea, i get it.. I agree with the ban. I just don't see the point... Sex is natural, though, just like bf'ing. I'm not even sure I agree with pics of bathing a baby if you can see any "no-no" parts... There aren't any naked body parts shown when you rock or bottle-feed... I don't think bf'ing is gross, i just don't see the point in posting a pic of yourself doing it.
Maybe I'm just strange.
Well when you put it that way...
You could say "what's the point" for 90 percent of Facebook pics. I don't think bfing is that bad.
Yeah, I get what you mean. But he wasn't actually nursing, baby was eating bacon. Baby's good taste aside, I think the uproar was silly. It wasn't a bfing pic that was pulled. People shouldn't be complaining Facebook pulled a bfing photo.
Covered up is one thing... A whole boob is a little much. =/
Something else i don't like seeing (since I'm on a fb vent) are pictures of people's kids when they're injured or sick.
One girl posted a pic of her little boy after he was attacked by a dog. If you just say "Thoughts and prayers needed" that's enough for me, i don't need proof. It's just sad to look at a little boy with blood all over his face and crying.
Oh god, that is horrible. Poor little boy. He was still BLOODY? You need to check out STFU Parents. And submit her.
Yea, it was disturbing. I'll have to google that, never heard of it..
Breast feeding =not sex ffs. Come on.
This is kinda where I'm at. There is so much crap clogging up my newsfeed I doubt I'd have even noticed this. And if I did I'd be pretty meh about it.
Men and women both, there is a chick on my fb who uploads a pic almost weekly with something along the lines of, "New summer dress!" or "Just me being silly!" With a skimpy little outfit on... You're not fooling anyone, sister.
This but to tweak it, I dont see anything wrong with bfing pics, but I also dont really give a shiit about them, I wouldn't really look before skimming past. To me, its an intimate act and I wouldn't want to share that with the world. I have one pic from my attempt to bf at the hospital and no one gets to see that one, not even sure if we will put that in C's baby book. I wouldn't judge the pic itself, but I might judge the person if they are TMI like that a lot about other stuff too.
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
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In the greater scheme of things, though... They ARE both natural. Just the point i was making...
IKR? Man boobs are so much more scandalous and diverse too.
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
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I'm partial to the lopsider man boob, myself.
Yeah, this was my issue with bfing being compared to sex. I get why you are frustrated by parents over sharing, but comparing bfing and sex bugs me.
Well sex is technically to make babies, though... It's society that perpetuates it into a play thing, just like society (some of it, anyways) perpetuates boobs into a play thing. I'm speaking from the natural standpoint, though.
By the way you have a pretty eyeball.
I don't care if you happen to be breastfeeding in a picture that's posted on fb, but I think it's tacky to specifically have a picture of yourself breastfeeding taken and post it to fb.
Example: a friend of mine is at a gtg and is breastfeeding her baby when an impromptu group shot is taken. Pic is posted to fb. Totally fine with me.
Another friend has pics taken of herself breastfeeding to show off her awesome maternal skills and posts them to fb. Not cool.
IMO, the only way that NIP is going to be accepted as normal is if we all quit making such a spectacle of it.
This is why I can't get behind nursing sit ins. It doesn't show NIP as a normal everyday occurrence, on the contrary it makes a spectacle [with an overall negative connotation] of NIP. Doesn't that totally defeat the purpose? I believe something has to be done to make society comfortable with the act of breastfeeding and NIP, but this just isn't it IMO.
::steps off soapbox, puts on flame retardant suit, backs out of post::
Eta: I'm all for us women being able to breastfeed whenever, wherever, covered or not.
212 Facebook Admin.
But by comparing them, like you dd in the op where you said they were both natural but shouldnt be on faebook, you are saying that porn images and nursing pics are the same thing.
Nursing isn't inappropriate in public. Sex is. That is the difference.
100 percent.
Yeah, I mean, those lunch counter sit ins were just totally AWing...
Can we be friends? I support nurse ins. People need to understand they cannot harass a mother nursing mother and sometimes that means a news piece about a nurse in.
I don't think they're AWing, necessarily... Just not the best way to accomplish the goal IMO.
212 Facebook Admin.
I have a "friend" who does this as well. In fact, she has a whole fb photo album dedicated to this... Pictures of cuts, sprains, Xray of broken arm, kids lying in stretcher... Wtf???? So disturbing.
Well it's not that I'm saying bf'ing shouldn't be on fb... I just don't understand why you would post a pic of yourself doing it (Kinda like the example the pp gave about the showing-off maternalism thing... If that's a word)... It's hard to explain cause it doesn't offend me, I just don't get it. In *my* opinion it's more of a private and intimate thing - not shameful, though. Sex could be considered private and intimate, too... I get that it's a bit more of an "extreme" example, but sex, babies and breastfeeding are all natural things. It would make more sense to post bf'ing than a sex pic, obviously, but it's just something i don't see the point in boasting about or trying to prove that you do... Or whatever the reasoning, i guess. I'm not as good with words as some of the other ppl on the thread.
Sh'yea! Like Super-hero cool.
I think people need to look at the history of social movements...there is always a period of radicalism that comes before mainstream acceptance. I don't think NIP is any exception.
Yea, i hate this... What is the point in doing an entire album?? Uggh.
And really, how much of a prude do you have to be to NOT want more pictures of boobs on FB? I'm appalled at the lack of anatomy in my feed.
I think you nailed it on the head here... Context is what plays a big role in the pic.
What makes NIP a public spectacle is when other people make a big show of not wanting to see it. "No, no, I'm all for breast feeding, I just don't want to see it!" "Gasp! That women is EXPOSING HER BREASTS IN PUBLIC!!!!111!!1!!!"