
Sitting up?

When did your children sit up unassisted?  My girls aren't yet, but my friend's 6-month old is.

Any tips for encouraging sitting up?  They are not getting the hang of the tripod thing. 

Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

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Re: Sitting up?

  • Brody just did today for an extended period of time.  Today is also the first day he rolled over back to tummy.  I just take it like everything else and figure they'll do it when they're ready. 
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  • My guys didn't sit until they were almost 7 months adjusted. It was kinda silly - they definitely had the strength to sit up for a good month before then, but when they started to lose their balance they would lean back and fall over. I bought them a little toy that was just the right height and interesting enough to encourage them to lean forward, and they started sitting unassisted within minutes of me putting the toy in front of them.

    Here's a link to the toy we got... I'm sure there's nothing magical about it, but it did the trick for my guys.


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  • I'm so glad you asked this . . . I was just getting ready to start a similar thread.  My two will be 9 mo this week (they are 7mo adjusted) and still don't sit unassisted.  Like pp, they both have the strength to do so -- just not the coordination.  Kendyll is more interested in getting down on her belly or figuring out how to get to the next point.  They both rock & try their best to get out of the bumpo seats, so those are no use.  But I like the suggestion of that toy .  .  . I might just have to go pick one up. :-)

    I will add that I took B&K in for their developmental follow-up with the NICU therepist two weeks ago and asked if this is something we should be concerned about.  She said it is totally normal and that some babies even learn to crawl before they can sit up (which I thought was odd, but I figure she knows more than me!).  She gave us some exercises to try, but nothing has really seemed to help yet.

    I'm sure your girls will be sitting up before you know it!  :-)

  • Hey Coffee Bean!!

    I actually asked this question yesterday and got a few responses, here is the link...


  • Max isn't close - he doesn't even like to be forced to bend his waist and sit w/ assistance.

    Luke, on the other hand, will sit unassisted for minutes at a time if there's a toy.  BUT, he sleeps on his tummy so I think his core is stronger.

  • My son sat up unassisted at 6 months, and my daughter at 7 months.
  • We are actually a little bit ahead.  Sloane has been doing it for a couple of weeks and is really good at it.  She does like to throw herself back and flop on the bed so you have to be careful when you sit her on the floor.  She doesn't even need to tri-pod anymore.  She picked it up really quickly.

    Rowan is having a harder time.  He can tri-pod but gets distracted easily.  He does really well if you grab his hips.

    I honestly think it is the difference in their body shape.  She has a short torso and long legs (like me) and he has short legs and an extra long torso (like his dad).  I truly think he is just top heavy.

    We just practice with them on the floor.  They seem to really enjoy it!

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