My husband and I are beginning to explore adoption. We have gone through multiple miscarriages and have decided that adoption may be the right choice for us. We've also decided that we aren't going to prevent pregnancy, but we aren't expecting to have a successful pregnancy either.
Will agencies turn us away if we become pregnant? It may make sense that they may want to place a child into a home that is stable and not going through the changes of a new birth/child. But then again, I was pregnant with multiples before and raising two little ones at the same time didn't scare me...too much
Just wondering if you all had any information on this?
Re: Adopting and still TTC?
Application approved Dec '11
Mar '12: Homestudy interrupted by change in Uganda requirements - where do we go from here?
After searching and searching, back with Uganda but with our homestudy agency's program.
Homestudy complete July 19
USCIS I-600A submitted July 20. Biometrics appointments arrived Aug 17; fingerprinted Aug 21; 171H received Sept 25th. On the wait list Oct 1st: #18. By Jan 25th, we're #13!
Come home, baby A!
Ditto PP. You're simply going to have to be upfront and ask. We informed our agency at our 1st meeting that we were still TTC and in fact would be undergoing IF treatments in the future. They were fine with it. However, cases like this are the exception and not the rule.
Some agencies are fine with you pursuing both fertility treatments and adopting. Some are not. That can be a big question you can ask. Some agencies request that you be dropped from the pool of waiting families if you become pregnant, until your child is at least a year old, to avoid adopting out of birth order or artificial twinning. Some don't. Again, this can be a big question you can ask.
Our agency wanted us to close the door on fertility treatments, and we would have had to drop out of the waiting pool if I became pregnant (ha! like that was going to happen). But I know of at least one person who used to be on here who was in the process when she found out she was pg. She still adopted, and I think her girls are a few months apart.
July - Nov 2011: Testing with OB... OB said everything looks good
March - Sept 2012: Moved to RE.. 4 treatment cycles - responses of one or no follicles
09.03.12: Diagnosed Poor Ovarian Response.. DE IVF only option
Feb - Nov 2012: Pursued Adoption. That door slammed shut.
12.23.12: Surprise BFP (first ever)... 12.25 - 12.31: Natural M/C
When we adopted M, we didn't continue pursuing IF treatments, but we also didn't prevent. My agency didn't care. They were a law firm. Of course we never got pregnant while we were waiting.
The only reason I'm pregnant now if because we went back for the 3 frozen embryos we had from 3 years ago, before we started the adoption process. We were pretty shocked it worked. We figured we'd use them up and then move on to adoption #2.
One thing though, i was terrified that I would actually get pg while waiting and having it derail our adoption. I really just couldn't focus on both at the same time. I got a picture in my head of adopting our first and it would not be dislodged. I would have been truly disappointed if we had accidently gotten pg and the adoption didn't happen.
TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption!
Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!