Cloth Diapering


I was so anti cloth until my daughter hit 10mo and I figured I would give it a shot....and loved it! She is now almost 13mo and I am so glad I took the plunge!!

That being said, I forgot how much remembering to get disposables was a pain. I am so used to ALWAYS having CDs on hand and not needing to worry about diapers. We are on a 11 day trip and bought a pack of 52 disposables since we knew bouncing from hotel to hotel and being in the car for 18 plus hours, it would be hard to CD. Well yesterday, not even a week into the trip, I was staring at the last diaper and panicking....."how did we go through so many? Now we have to find a store! BABE!!!! We are out of diapers!!!! We only have ONE LEFT!!!" And I just heard "huh? WTF?!" And a grumble as he tried locating a store on GPS.

I can't wait to get back home to her CD's! Now I am just angry the money spent on those two packs of diapers could have been used on a super cute CD!
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