
NPR. Actually TTC related.

Two questions: 1. has anyone ever used OPKs and 2. are they worth using?

Reason I ask is b/c I'm at my wits end with TTC. I'm currenly on cycle #2, CD23, 8 dpo and am spotting. So, that leads me to believe that AF is on her way (and early at that). ***.

I charted with Peyton, but temping is not as easy (for some reason) this time around. However, I've been paying close attention to my CM and thought I was reading it accurately. I guess not.

I had my annual appt. on Wednesday and spoke with my OB about my TTC concerns (namely, that it isn't *** working!!). She looked at me like I have three heads when I told her I was concerned that I was now infertile. (It could happen, right?) She suggested using OPKs.

Anyone have any advice? Anyone want to have a baby for me?



~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09

Re: NPR. Actually TTC related.

  • I never tried them.  Could you be having implantation spotting?  I think it usually occurs around 6-8 dpo.  What day is AF due? 
  • I used them when we were ttc DS.  I got a very clear positive and got pg the first month.

    This time I used them and never got a positive and still got pg the first month.

    I would probably use them again.

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  • Is implantation spotting even real? I seriously doubt it that is what's happening to me.

    AF is due next Friday (11/14).

    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • It is real, not common, but real.  I will keep my fingers crossed that that is what it is.  Yes
  • I've tried them for a couple cycles.  I used Clearblue Easy(non-digital), and had a hard time getting a clear reading.  I also have pretty irregular cycles though, so I went through a ton of them and just got frustrated and gave up on using them. 


    We're TTC #2 as well, and are on cycle 6.  I had an easy time getting pg with DS, so I'm getting stressed as well that something's wrong. I'm just trying to keep positive and remember there's only a 20% chance each cycle even if everything's perfectly timed, so maybe it's only a matter of time.  GL!

  • It is frustrating, we are currently on cycle #6 and when af showed up last week I wanted to cry, but I know that it will happen for us sooner or later. Your spotting coudl very well be implantation... wait a few days and test, that is if af doesn't show up full force! GL!
    *Corrina born August 30, 2006* *Kaya born August 6, 2009* brimageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I had spotting around 8 or 9 dpo when I got pregnant with Bennett. ?The evening of the second day of spotting, I got a faint bfp. ?I had a history of progesterone issues, so I just pulled out the rest of a bottle of Prometrium I had left over from my first pregnancy and took one. ?The spotting stopped and my dr. said to just keep taking the progesterone.

    I've never used opk's. ?I just wanted to say the spotting isn't always a bad sign. ?I don't know whether mine was implantation bleeding or something else, but I was pregnant. ?Good luck.?

  • Thanks for your responses, ladies. Who knows? I guess only time will tell. I'm just bummed b/c I had done so well not stressing about it this month and then this shit happens. Ugh!

    Here's to hoping the mysterious spotting is, in fact, implantation. I'm definitely not holding my breath.

    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • Hey, I used OPK's with geat success both times.  First try on each too.

    It could be implantation spotting though.  I had a significant temp drop with #2 that I thought was the start of AF. 

    Get some OPK's though. 


    Me with my littlest.
  • Well, apparently it is against the nest rules to stress about TTC if you haven't had a certain number of cycles?  WTF.  How dare you!!!!!

    Anyway, good luck, Goose.  Have your cycles otherwise been normal?  We're not trying yet, but I've been charting to avoid for almost 5 cycles now and my cycles seem to be normal, even ridiculously so.

    Another thing I've seen is that clear blue easy fertility monitor.  I think you can get them for around $100 and they are supposedly easier than OPKs.

    I've never used either though.

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  • We used OPK's with both pregnancies I had and got prengnant the 2nd month each time (even though the second ended in a mc).  Now, this is our 1st cycle ttc after my mc and we did use opk's but I am in the 2 ww just like you.  AF is due this Thurs so only time will tell.  Your's does sound like implantation spotting to me.  Why would you be spotting on 8dpo if your period isn't due for another 6 days?
  • LOL Leanie!

    Chastise me all you want for saying I'm at my wits end already on cycle #2. If you really knew me, you'd know this post was more about my impatience than anything. Obviously, I'm most likely not infertile, but it is something that can and does happen.

    I thinks it's extremely unfortunately that you had a difficult time becoming pregnant. To be quite honest, it down right sucks that it doesn't work for everyone on the first shot. However, you'd have to agree that TTC is definitely a very stressful thing, regardless of what cycle you're on.

    That being said, I shouldn't have to delicately dance my TTC concerns and suppress my feelings on the subject, just to avoid hurting yours or someone elses.





    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • The cycle we got pregnant with Will we used them. 

    And it does sound like implantation spotting.  I had with Will on 7DPO.  We're going to chart again/use OPKs next cycle.  It drives me insane not to know what's going on.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • E - I know, right? I guess one has to wait until they've TTC unsuccessfully for eleventy billion cycles before getting any sympathy. (Of which, I wasn't looking for. If you recall, I asked about OPKs, TYVM.)

    At any rate, my cycles are always 27-28 days, no questions asked. I went off the pill in July, and we've successfully avoided since then. Thanks for the info on the fertility monitor. If this isn't the month, I may have to check that out.

    Heidi - good luck! I hope this is the month for you.

    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • I used OPK's both times and got PG on the first cycle both times.

    With DD, I used the non-digital kind.  With those, you don't just look for a line to indicate ovulation.  The test line has to be as dark as or darker than the control line.  I agonized over whether I thought the line was as dark as.  It's worse than looking for a faint line on a HPT.  I thought I had a positive OPK but in hindsight, I don't think it really was.  I think I was getting close to O day, but night right on because I was anxious and convinced myself the line was as dark as.  (I was leaving the next day on a week long business trip and was willing the OPK to be positive.)  I was temping and charting at the time and my chart confirmed I actually o'd 4 days later, but it was close enough to do the trick for us.

    With DC #2, I used the digital and it was so much easier.  You get a smiley face on the two optimal days to conceive. 

    If you believe in this kind of thing, DC #1 was a girl, which is consistant with Shettles, since I misread the OPK and jumped the gun.  With DC #2, we could pinpoint the day of O more precisely and this baby will be a boy.  So I guess that sort of, in a round about way, confirms how accurately I used the tests.

  • Thanks Goose!  You too!
  • Yeah mine have been ridiculously normal like that - anyway, since yours have consistently been longer cycles (aka 28 day normal cycle not short) I would lean more towards implantation spotting than early AF.

    I will keep my fingers crossed it works for you this month though!  Peyton needs a sibling to boss around.  ;)

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  • Thanks, Flem. And, now you've 100% convinced me to use a digital OPK b/c, like you, and I see myself obsessing over the color of the line. Oy vey! Who needs that kind of stress?!

    Also - your sex determination rationale makes sense to me.

    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • Heidi and goose, I hope that you get good news soon!

  • I haven't read the other replies, but my experience with OPK's was annoying.  I never got an actual "positive," although when I started charting, I found that I really was ovulating.  It's hard to compare the lines and decide if the test line really is darker than the control line, or if it's just equally dark, or what.  In any case, 2 months isn't too much cause for concern yet, as I'm sure you know! =)  Good luck!
  • I used them when ttc #1 just to figure out when in my cycle I was actually ovulating.  I realized quick, fast and in a hurry that the only ones worth messing with and spending $$ on were the ones that give you either a circle or a smiley face to indicate that ovulation is about to happen.  That's how I was able to get pregnant so fast with DS.  I was actually ovulating later in the month than I thought.  Your spotting could be implantation spotting.   
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • With my son I tried for 3 months, gave in and used opk and we got pregnant the first month and have a boy.  And I used the kind where you see the line.  This time I got the digital and got two days of a smile face and now I am in 2ww.  Good luck.  You can stress after only 2 cycyles, but deep down you probably know that you are fertile and you probably just did not have relations when you were ovulating.  Good luck.
  • Even if you get your timing just right, it can still take awhile. The spotting could certainly be implantation spotting. Try to hang in there. It took us 8 months with Ethan, and I know that's "normal" but it was still frustrating as hell to me.
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