Cloth Diapering

AIO help

I just started cd'ing my son earlier this week.  We're doing a rental program of gently used diapers so I got a nice variety of diapers to try.  Unfortunately, every time I use an AIO they leak either from the side or out the back.  I don't think it's the frequency that I've been changing him because last night I had pee leak from a freshly changed lil' joey.  I've also had poo come out the leg hole of a fresh grovia newborn.

Is this just an AIO problem or am I doing something wrong?  Thanks for the help.

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Re: AIO help

  • I'm guessing a fit issue.  AIO's tend to be pretty bulky for NB's little legs but fit perfect as they grow and fill out.  Don't get frustrated give baby time to thicken up.  
  • Lil joeys are notorious for not having great absorbancy, as for the grovia did you have them on tight enough? I think I've also heard that people might roll in the ruffles? For added protection? Since they are used I'd say they are prepped enough. Maybe make sure they aren't repelling...

    I don't have a little baby yet, but those are some things I've read during my research.

    Hopefully some of that helps!
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  • I've read a lot of reviews on both of those diapers, and they are notorious for leaking.


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  • Newborn AIOs just aren't very absorbent. DD was regularly peeing through hers by 3 weeks old.


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  • thanks everyone.  I'll just make sure to change him more often when he's wearing the AIOs.  Also, I didn't think about trying to tuck in the extra ruffles on the grovia.  Hopefully it will all help :)
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  • Lil joeys are the worst!  Mine ALWAYS leaked. Honestly, I had no luck with NB AIOs. I tried kissaluvs, grovia and lil joeys, and they all sucked.  I like fitteds the most for a NB stash. I also really liked kawaii pure and naturals. 

    Ever since DS was able to fit into the OS, we have been using grovia OS AIOs and I love them!

    Try AIOs again when your LO is bigger.  

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