

Hi ladies!

First off thanks for all the well-wishes the other day as I was panicking about our upcoming FET and stressing over whether or not our embies would make it, etc. Yesterday after being on pins and needles all morning waiting by the phone (sure we've all been there), the embryologist called to tell me all 3 of our embies survived the thaw!!! Just got the call this morning that 2 have divided and the third they need to watch as they checked early this morning so it still has time to catch up. They have cleaved and only 2 cells right now, one with 0% fragmentation and one with 10%. No grading until tomorrow which is transfer day but I am cautiously optimistic! We have yet to make it this far so I am on the edge of my seat! Any growing vibes are much appreciated! GL to all of the basters and to the rest of you as well! 


TTC since June 2011
DX: DH (30) severe MFI, severely low count & low motility
Me (32): all clear
Appt with Urologist 5/21/12: exam, ultrasound, bloodwork all normal.
Testicular Biopsy with TESE on 6/8/12. good sperm found! (left side only) froze sperm, failed thaw test :(
Orientation for IVF/ICSI on 6/13/12. Waiting for the green light following biopsy results...results show adequate sperm production both sides.
2nd SA 6/18/12: sample is "adequate for ICSI"
Plan: IVF/ICSI July 2012!
ER: 7/26/12. 15 eggs retrieved, all mature.
TESE/TESA/aspiration from epididymis, no motile sperm found :(
froze all eggs, the saga of praying for good sperm continues.
8/3/12: 2nd opinion from MFI uro on biopsy slides. Suspects "partial late maturation arrest."
Plan: more SAs, third biopsy/TESE with frozen back-up either from DH or DS.
SA 8/17/12: Zero sperm
SA 8/23/12: Zero sperm
9/26/12: SPERM FOUND! 15 eggs thawed, 12 survived and were ICSI'd, only 3 fertilized normally. Refrozen as embies and will thaw in Nov. Please survive and grow!
All 3 survived the thaw on 11/15/12!
FET 11/17/12: transferred 2, one 4B, one 4C. Beta 11/30:BFFN
moving on to DS
DIUI#1 2/18/13,50mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta 3/4/13: BFN.
DIUI#2 3/19/13, 50 mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta #1 (14dpiui) 4/2/13: BFP!!!! 150. Beta #2 4/4/13: 420 Beta #3 4/8/13: 2691. Beta #4 4/15/13: 15,086
1st u/s 4/8/13 shows one gestational sac
2nd u/s 4/15/13 shows yolk sac, fetal pole and early heartbeat
3rd u/s 4/25/13: measuring right on track. Heart rate 148 bpm
A/S 7/22/13: IT'S A BOY!!
PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome
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BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Update!

  • That is great great news!!!!! FX for continued growing and a perfect transfer!!!! <3
    Married BF 6/29/2002/
    TTC Since Aug 2011/
    ME:34 all clear/DH:41 DX Severe MFI/
    IVF w/ICSI OCT 2012 Stims started 10/8/ER 10/19/12/ET 10/24/Beta#1 11/2=BFN (beta was 1.2)

    IVF 2.0-Baseline 11/7/12 beta 0/All Clear
    Stim start 11/7/12//ER 11/19 11M//10F
    ET 2 embies 11/24//Beta#1 28 Beta #2 23 Beta#3 29
    stop meds Beta#4 37/C/P 5W5D EDD:8/12/13/IVF#3 in Jan

    Ivf 3-frozen 3 poor 3day/fet=bfn

    Ivf#4 New dr. New protocol=beta1 197 beta#2 677 beta#3 1557
     u/s 8/13 =TWINS 2 strong hb
    Due Date 4/4/14


    My Chart//>


  • Congrats and good luck!
  • Loading the player...
  • Great news! Sending growing vibes your way and GL with the transfer tomorrow!
    Oct 13 April Siggy: Bunnies
    The 33 Most Important Bunny GIFs On The Internet


    DS born on 9/30/13 from IVF #1.2!
      Lilypie - (xNS5)
  • Awesome news! FX for a smooth transfer and a BFP in the very near future!

    [spoiler] My Blog: Grow Baby Grow

    BFP #1: 12/2009 m/c 1/2010 BFP #2: 6/2010 m/c 8/2010

    BFP #3: 10/2011 ectopic 11/2011 (right tube removed, learned left tube was probably nonfunctional due to scar tissue from infection after m/c)

    3 failed IUIs, IVF #1: 18R, 12M, 10F, 3 poor quality 5d embryos transferred= BFP #4!!!!!

    Betas: 9dp5dt: 64 ~14dp5dt: 91 (expecting miscarriage, doubling time of 236 hours) ~16dp5dt: 200~18dp5dt: 500

    First Ultrasound at 6w2d revealed two sacs, only one with a heartbeat

    LK arrived after 42 weeks on August 14, 2013! Beautiful, healthy, and happy!

    TTC#2: IVF booked for April 2015

    Surprise BFP#5 February 19, 2015 EDD: November 2, 2015

    Betas: 10dpo: 10, 14dpo: 77, 17dpo: 270

    First Ultrasound at 5w1d showed a miracle UTE baby! And right ovary ovulation to left fallopian tube.

    JD arrived at 38 weeks on October 20, 2015.

    TTC #3: Since October 2017. BFP #6 July 2, 2018 EDD: March 16, 2019 [/spoiler]

  • ***Ticker Warning***

    Woo hoo!  I'm so happy to hear that things are going well.  I'm sending tons of embie growing vibes your way.



    DS1 born July 2002 (previous marriage).

    TTC since Oct 08. DH Dx w/testicular cancer March 09.
    MFI due to retrograde ejaculation/azoospermia.
    5/2 IVF #1 cancelled due to large follie.
    6/14 start Lupron for IVF #1.2. 6/22 start stims.
    7/4 ER and Biopsy.
    7/9 Transferred 2 (1-4BB and 1-3BB) embryos.  4 frosties.
    7/15 +HPT 6dp5dt. 7/18 Beta #1: 193. 7/20 Beta #2: 415.
    8/10 1st u/s - It's triplets!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Great news! Congrats
    Age:30 healthy DH: 32 DX Testicular CA '03(banked sperm) Reoccurance of Testicular CA '10 RPLD.TTC: 6/2012. _______________ 6/12 met with RE advised to go to straight IVF due to quality & amount of sperm banked. 6/26/12 day 3 work up & US~ normal. 7/3/2010 Sono~ Polyps. 8/21/12 DH: PEUS~ No retrograde sperm visible; low testosterone. 9/6/12 hysteroscopy/polyectomy~ Removed 2. Now waiting for next steps to start the process of IVF! November IVF Antagonist protocol/risk of OHSS. ER 11/13 17R/15M/12F ET 11/18 transferred 2 beautiful blasts. 5 frozen embies. Beta 11/27 BFN. FET #1 ET 1/24 of 2 blast. HPT+ 2/1. 2/4 beta #1 286. 2/6 beta#2 692 PAIF/SAIF welcome! imageimageLilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Yay! That's awesome news!
    Me: 37, DH: 38: ttc 7 years, dx: unknown
    10/11: after 2 years, saw a RE, FSH 5.4
    11/11: BFP! (surprise after thyroid & normal hsg),
    12/11: missed m/c after 7 week u/s, 1/12: D&C
    6/12 IUI#1-IUI #3: clomid = BFP!, C/P
    IVF #1(10/12) FSH 5.4, AFC: 16 long Lupron, 5R/5M/4F, all 4 made it to 5dt, 1 blast/1-8 cell transferred=BFN
    IVF #2(12/12)AFC 21, MD lupron, 4R/4M/3F, 5dt of 1 blast and 2-8cell. BFN.
    IVF#3(4/13) Natural start antagon protocol, 12R,11F. one PGS normal at day 6 transfer. BFN.
    IVF#4 (11/13) C.CRM (ODW.U normal 8/13 Still no Diagnosis) EPP/antagonist. ER 13R/7M/6F. Only 1 made it to freeze. Abnormal. Looking into options of DE, Fresh vs frozen.
    10/14 new local RE to look into what's next. CD3 FSH 4.7, AMH 0.9. Met with DE agencies and exploring options for feb/march 2015.
    Surprise natural bfp (4 days before donor is signed). Beta #1 at 9dpo: 51.8, 2nd beta: 195 (25 hours doubling) @11dpo. 3rd beta (12/15): 516 (35 hrs doubling) 4th beta(12/17): 895 (58 hours doubling) 5th beta(12/19): 2120. U/S at 5w0d(12/22): one gestational sac with yolk sac. U/S #2 (6w0d)12/29. One little bean measuring 6w0d with HR 124. 3rd u/s(1/4)7w0d: baby measuring 7w2d. HR 134. 3/30: A/S at MFM went great except for low lying placenta. Verifi results are normal! Team Blue! Please send any positive thoughts our way! EDD:8/24/2015
    Baby Will born 8/18. He's perfect.
  • Yay! That is great news!

    Me (30) my best friend (38)
    TTTC since "Jan 2011"
    RE appt april 2012
    Dx: PCOS and stage 1 endo
    S/A 19 million, 48 motility, 1 morphology
    6.1 progestrone
    HSG: tubes clear
    clomid 50mg + #1 IUI + trigger 6/9/12 BFN 6/18/12 Clomid 150mg +#2 IUI + trigger: 7/9/2012 BFN 7/18/2012 stage 1: endo removed 8/14/12
    Letrozole 2.5mg+estrogen=cycle cancelled for little to no response
    Follistim 75 (10/15-10/19) follistim 67 (10/20-10/21) cycle cancelled due to over response 9 follies and very thin lining
    ~ IVF #1:BC pills started 10/27~
    ~IVF class schedualed for 11/13~
    ~ Lupron starts Thanksgiving day~
    ~Stims start December 1st~
    ~ER: December 12th ~
    ~ET: December 15th~
    19 R. 12. Fertilized with ICSI, 2 transfered
    only 1 made it to freeze!
    Beta #1 12/27/12 (26)
    beta #2 12/29/12 (78.9)
    Beta #3 12/31/12 (149)
    Beta #4 1/4/13 (48)
    C/P on 1/4/13 @ 5 weeks and 2 days
    ~ IVF #2 ~
    ~ BC pills1/15-2/3~
    ~Lupron beings 1/31~
    ~stims start Feb. 9th~
    ~ER 2/21/13~
    ~14 R, 12 fertilized with ICSI~
    ~1 made it to freeze~
    ~Twin Boys Arrived August 31, 2013
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    P/SAIF Welcome~ everyone welcome
  • Awesome news!!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Good luck. So happy for you that all three thawed. Crossing my fingers for transfer!
  • Great news!!!  GL with your transfer!  :)
    Happily married Since May 2008. TTC#1 Since May 2010.
    Me: 29, Mild DOR
    DH: 31, SE mostly normal, 1st SE morph 5%, 2nd SE morph 15%...yeah!.
    BFP July 2011, Natural MC August 2011.
    3 cycles of 50mg Clomid = BFN
    *New RE* Feb/Mar 2012 100 mg Clomid + Trigger + IUI = BFN
    *3rd RE* April-June -Break Cycles begin prep for IVF by doing 2 Heparin injects fun!
    IVF #1 - ER 7/19, ET 7/24, 2 beautiful embies transferred. Beta 8/2 = BFN
    *New RE...yes again* FET Nov 2012 with our lone ranger = BFFN
    RE Suggests Trying IUI Again, Jan. 2013 IUI #2 =BFN
    Feb. 2013 IUI #3 = BFP!!!, Beta #1 (15dpIUI) = 90, Beta #2 (17dpIUI) = 210, U/S Scheduled for 3/18
  • Thanks everyone! Realllllly hoping for some rockstars tomorrow morning. FX!
    TTC since June 2011
    DX: DH (30) severe MFI, severely low count & low motility
    Me (32): all clear
    Appt with Urologist 5/21/12: exam, ultrasound, bloodwork all normal.
    Testicular Biopsy with TESE on 6/8/12. good sperm found! (left side only) froze sperm, failed thaw test :(
    Orientation for IVF/ICSI on 6/13/12. Waiting for the green light following biopsy results...results show adequate sperm production both sides.
    2nd SA 6/18/12: sample is "adequate for ICSI"
    Plan: IVF/ICSI July 2012!
    ER: 7/26/12. 15 eggs retrieved, all mature.
    TESE/TESA/aspiration from epididymis, no motile sperm found :(
    froze all eggs, the saga of praying for good sperm continues.
    8/3/12: 2nd opinion from MFI uro on biopsy slides. Suspects "partial late maturation arrest."
    Plan: more SAs, third biopsy/TESE with frozen back-up either from DH or DS.
    SA 8/17/12: Zero sperm
    SA 8/23/12: Zero sperm
    9/26/12: SPERM FOUND! 15 eggs thawed, 12 survived and were ICSI'd, only 3 fertilized normally. Refrozen as embies and will thaw in Nov. Please survive and grow!
    All 3 survived the thaw on 11/15/12!
    FET 11/17/12: transferred 2, one 4B, one 4C. Beta 11/30:BFFN
    moving on to DS
    DIUI#1 2/18/13,50mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta 3/4/13: BFN.
    DIUI#2 3/19/13, 50 mg Clomid cd 3-7, Ovidrel trigger, Beta #1 (14dpiui) 4/2/13: BFP!!!! 150. Beta #2 4/4/13: 420 Beta #3 4/8/13: 2691. Beta #4 4/15/13: 15,086
    1st u/s 4/8/13 shows one gestational sac
    2nd u/s 4/15/13 shows yolk sac, fetal pole and early heartbeat
    3rd u/s 4/25/13: measuring right on track. Heart rate 148 bpm
    A/S 7/22/13: IT'S A BOY!!
    PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome
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    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Wishing you a smooth and successful transfer! 


    *****Siggy/Ticker Warning*****

     Me (34)- no issues found MH (36)- MFI due to Vericocele. Straight to IVF w/ICSI 9/12, Antagonist. 9R, 7M, 5F = BFN c/p,  New RE for IVF #2- 1/13., Long Lupron. ER on 1/22 -10R, 9M, 9F. Transfer on hold due to overstimming. FET in Feb. 2 frozen blasts. Another BFN & another c/p. RPL testing all negative besides MTHFR gene, vericocle repair surgery 4/12/13-Bilateral Grade 3 Vericocele found & fixed, IVF #3 with PGS  4/13- 11R, 9M, 9F. Transferred 2 normal=BFN, 3 normal on ice. CCRM-here we come! ODWU-All test results normal. EPP in August. 21R, 20M, 19F. 12 blasts biopsied & frozen for CCS testing. Results showed 11 normal! FET Oct. 30. 2 5d 4AA blasts transferred. First ever BFP!!! Beta 1=216, Beta 2=870 1st U/S=It's TWINS!!! It's a BOY and a GIRL!! Everyone Welcome!!! 
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