December 2012 Moms

Internal Exams At 36 Weeks

At my 34 week appointment my doctor indicated that they will do the strep test during my 36 week appointment but it would be up to me to decide if I wanted them to start the internal exams at this visit. He basically said the reason some people decide not have an internal exam at 36 weeks is because of discomfort. Since there are many people on here that are further along I was curious to find out if anyone had an internal exam but wished they had started later or were really glad that they had an internal exam. Thanks.

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Re: Internal Exams At 36 Weeks

  • I haven't had one yet but I can tell you what my doctor told me. She said at my 34 week appt that they could do it at my 36 week one if I requested it. If I don't request at any appts they don't do it until 39 weeks. She said internals are uncomfortable and don't tell you much since you can dilate fast or stay at the same place for weeks. She said the exception is they would want to check if I had been having a lot of contractions. I didn't ask for one at my 36 week appt this week. I figured there was no point and if I was dilated it might give me false feelings that labor would happen before it will really will.  I don't think there is anything wrong with getting one. I just personally didn't see the point.
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  • I got checked at my 36 week appt. I was expecting it to be painful from what people told me but it wasn't at all. It just felt like pressure and was over in two seconds. I'm glad I got it because I thought this LO would come early and was expecting to be pretty effaced already. However, I was hardly effaced at all and she estimated LO wouldn't be early. I know it's all estimates but it put my mind at ease a bit that every cramp I felt I wasn't about to go into labor and made me be more realistic that I might have a while. I also like that it will show be if I made any progress when I get checked next week. I don't know, I just like to know what's going on. GL!
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  • imageTinyTRex321:
    I haven't had one yet but I can tell you what my doctor told me. She said at my 34 week appt that they could do it at my 36 week one if I requested it. If I don't request at any appts they don't do it until 39 weeks. She said internals are uncomfortable and don't tell you much since you can dilate fast or stay at the same place for weeks. She said the exception is they would want to check if I had been having a lot of contractions. I didn't ask for one at my 36 week appt this week. I figured there was no point and if I was dilated it might give me false feelings that labor would happen before it will really will.  I don't think there is anything wrong with getting one. I just personally didn't see the point.

    This is EXACTLY what I was told. I'm going to wait and only request if I start having contractions.

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  • From what I've heard, they're not an indicator of anything, and don't really tell you much. Everyone keeps telling me not to have them because even if you're dilated, that doesn't mean you'll go into labor anytime soon, and vice versa. I was also told that it introduces bacteria, which was enough for me to say "no".
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  • I just had my first one - at 37 weeks - took two seconds, and my doctor also said it doesn't mean much since things could go quick or stay the same for awhile. I just figured don't question it, since I trust her. It was not at all painful. just a second of discomfort.
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  • It's true that internals may not tell you anything, but I'll still be getting them starting at 36 weeks, I'm actually looking forward to my appt because of it. For me, they really weren't uncomfortable, so having them again doesn't worry me, I'm just anxious to see where I'm at. 
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  • For me, they are not uncomfortable at all. It gives a better idea of how far I still have to go once I am in actual labor. At 36 weeks, which was a week ago, I was dilated to a 3 and 75 effaced. Since my labors go so quickly, being at a 3 already could mean that I may not make it to hospital in time if I even wait an extra 5 mins at home
  • They started for me a few weeks ago, but I've have contractions on and off for several weeks & my last baby was born at 36 wks so they are just checking to be prepared - not that it actually matters. You can be dilated quite a bit and walk around without labor for weeks. They actually aren't that uncomfortable until baby is lower in the pelvis.  

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  • I declined this past week, but will probably want one next week - it is true it doesn't tell you much, but I am curious!  With DS and DD at the appointment just before I went into labor I was not at all dilated.  Everything about this pregnancy has been different, so I am interested to see what is going on down there!
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  • I've been doing them since 36 weeks. They're really not bad. Just a tad bit uncomfortable. The group B Strep at 36 weeks was definitely the worst part.
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  • It just depends on the woman. I had my first on Wednesday and it was really uncomfortable, then I spotted and cramped the rest of the day.  I talked to my doctor and she said we can skip them for the next couple of weeks. There's really no point to them, anyway. Like PP have said, women can walk around dilated for weeks without going into labor.

    DD 12/20/99, DS 12/14/12, M/C 9/2014, M/C 1/2015

  • I'm very very glad I got mine. At my 36 week appt I was 3cm dilated Nd 70% effaced. The following week I am now 4cm dilated and 80% effaced. Now that does not necessarily mean anything is going to happen but my doctor said shed be shocked if I made it another week. With that being said it gave me the motivation to double check the bags and everything! And now explains all the "contractions" (which are a breeze) I'm having! I like to know what's going on in there!
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  • imageambuhsmilesx32:
    I'm very very glad I got mine. At my 36 week appt I was 3cm dilated Nd 70% effaced. The following week I am now 4cm dilated and 80% effaced. Now that does not necessarily mean anything is going to happen but my doctor said shed be shocked if I made it another week. With that being said it gave me the motivation to double check the bags and everything! And now explains all the "contractions" (which are a breeze) I'm having! I like to know what's going on in there!


    oh also, I don't see how this can be painful. It's quick and IMO there's no reason it should hurt. But then again maybe that's bc I'm dilated so much already. 

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  • I'll be getting checked today, just because I'd like to know where I'm at.  I've had a lot of contractions lately so I'm interested to see if they are doing anything.  IMO, it depends on who does them.  They are uncomfortable, however with my last pregnancy, only when 1 certain person did it was it painful.
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  • I had my 36wk appt yesterday and did the GBS test and an internal. I was fine with getting the internal exam because I wanted to see if had made any progress yet, and just to make sure everything is looking ok down there... since I haven't had an internal since my first appointment for this pregnancy, and I'm pretty swollen down there (sorry TMI). 

    Of course, the only news I got is that my cervix is closed tight and it doesn't look like I'll be going into labor any time soon! :p

    I have no problem with doing them at this point, seems like a good idea to me. 

    Jude Wayne - Born 4/23/10 Violet Patricia - Born 12/5/12 Breastfeeding, baby-wearing work-at-home mom of 2 living in Rockville, MD
  • I just had my first at my 36 wk appt. 36 wk 6 days, so basically 37 wks. It wasn't too bad, but definitely somewhat uncomfortable. Getting my first internal really hit home how close to the end I am, but at the same time, I could still go another five weeks before giving birth, so it's really not that exciting.
  • At my 36 week apt they did an internal because I had been having contractions at 34 weeks (which has subsided) and I was already sans pants due to the GBS test.  She found I was 3cm dilated and 40% effaced.  Although neither of those mean much, I guess I was glad I did it.  Although the exam itself made me have more contractions.  

    I did not have one done at my 37 week apt because I hadn't had any more contractions since 36 weeks.  It is my choice if I want to do them at my 38 week apt.  I think i will... 

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  • I had the strep test at 36 weeks and it hurt.  I was surprised.  My midwives aren't doing internals, but judging by the cotton swap at 36 weeks, I wouldn't be jumping at the chance for an internal any sooner than strictly necessary.

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  • imageambuhsmilesx32:

    I'm very very glad I got mine. At my 36 week appt I was 3cm dilated Nd 70% effaced. The following week I am now 4cm dilated and 80% effaced. Now that does not necessarily mean anything is going to happen but my doctor said shed be shocked if I made it another week. With that being said it gave me the motivation to double check the bags and everything! And now explains all the "contractions" (which are a breeze) I'm having! I like to know what's going on in there!


    oh also, I don't see how this can be painful. It's quick and IMO there's no reason it should hurt. But then again maybe that's bc I'm dilated so much already. 

    It just depends on the woman and her body.  Apparently I have a particularly posterior cervix because my doctor always comments about it.  She and my nurse practitioner have to get pretty far up there to check and it's very uncomfortable, bordering on painful.  Plus, many women cramp and spot the rest of the day, which is also quite uncomfortable.
    For me, there's no point in going through that stuff when it doesn't matter.  He will come when he comes.  I know it will be sometime in the next month and that's good enough for me.

    DD 12/20/99, DS 12/14/12, M/C 9/2014, M/C 1/2015

  • They are pointless, give you no real useful information, can actually just frustrate you (if, say, you're 3 cm for weeks and think that means you're going to go into labor *any minute*), etc.  I don't plan to have any, at all, ever this pregnancy.

    That said, I had internal exams at 36, 38, 40 weeks, and 2-3 times in active labor too, and I don't remember them being that uncomfortable. 

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  • My last apt was my first internal and it was uncomfortable. So much so that I had breathe through it. The gbs test was not fun either. I too am swollen so this is par for the course. I do want to know how far along I am so I am going to continue with them.
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  • My doctor started mine at 32 weeks, because I had been having contractions. My cervix was posterior, so it was really, really uncomfortable for me. I had and still have no progress. However, it is nice to know if there is progress if you want to know. I know lots of people say they want to wait till they are in labor, but I like the idea of knowing what my body is doing. Ultimately it is your choice though.
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  • Just had my 36 week appt (few days early) she did the strep b test so she did an internal since she was already down there. I've been having insane pressure and though I might be dilated. Nope. It's just good to know, even though it doesn't mean much at this point. 
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  • I've had 2 so far, and I was a little crampy afterwards, but I was glad I had them. I know that actually being dilated to a 2 doesn't mean jack squat, but I've enjoyed knowing that my body IS doing what it's made to do. 
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  • I had my 37w appt today, and I was expecting to have one done, but my midwife group doesn't start doing them until 39w because they don't think they really tell much, and just stress people out... I can see how that would happen, but at the same time, I could also see wanting to know. 
    I haven't decided yet whether or not I wish I'd gotten one today. 

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  • Since they really don't mean anything & could introduce bacteria, I won't have one until I'm in labor in triage to be admitted. I just don't see the point.
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