I have been taking my 7 month old DS to play groups. With the winter season approaching I am nervous about him getting sick from other kids germy toys. One mom tends to just pass out some of her son's toys to all the babies to play with. The toys are not disinfected each time another kid plays with the same toy. I've tried on occassion to bring my DS his own toys to play with but the moms insist on the kids sharing toys. So the other kids still end up drooling on each other's toys and spreading germs. Is it appropriate to bring my LOs own toys and ask that other kids don't play with them? What is the playdate etiquette for babies and toy sharing?
Re: Toy sharing etiquette
Now, if a toy was really dripping, I might wipe it off a bit or say "no sweetie, that toy is little Eddie's. Poor baby looks like he's teething."
You have a kid. Your kid is going to swap germs and spit w/ other kids. It's simply going.to.happen.
And honestly- your child NEEDS to be introduced to germs! They can't build up an immunity if they are kept in a sterile environment. Don't do that to your child.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
Kids share toys. Kids will get sick. Life.
Do not bring your own sanitized toys to a playdate.