
XP: Maalox anyone?

My G.I. specialist suggested 1cc of Maalox in Jaxon's feeds for a week or two to see if it helps with the reflux pain. We used a bit since last night and this morning he had a bit of the runs in his diaper. We think it may just be from something NEW in his system, but we'll see. This morning he had a bad/painful reflux attack so I'm wondering if its NOT helping, or if it will take time.

Anyone have experience with this??

stupid reflux...

Re: XP: Maalox anyone?

  • Hey there:

    We use 1/4 teaspoon of Mylanta (which I think is basically the same thing) after each feeding for my Jackson who also suffers from severe reflux.  We didn' t notice any runs with him but he has constipation issues as well (immature gastro intestinal system so we have all the issues!!) It does seem to provide some temporary relief, hopefully it will do the same for your Jaxon as well.

  • We had to add 1/4 tsp of Maalox to each of babies' bottles for the first 4 months of their life (or so).  They had really runny poos, too, but I always attibuted it to the Neosure . . . I never even thought it might be the Maalox.  And you know, I think their poo started to get a little more firm (gross, I know) around the time we stopped . . .  though at that time we were also starting some solids & changed them to regular Similac, so I just attributed it to that change.  Hmm, it might have been the Maalox.

    Either way, the Maalox seemed to helped a bit . .. there were a few times when we forgot to bring it with us or didn't have it if we were feeding "on the run" and their reflux seemed to be a bit worse after those feeding. 

    I hope this helps Jax!  Take care!

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