
How far back for health history? (Sorry Long)

My DH and I have had our pre-application approved for international adoption and I was looking at the formal application that the agency sent us.

It asks about any health diagnoses.  When I was a junior in high school I started feeling sick to my stomach all the time.  I missed a bunch of school and had a ton of tests done.  The only thing they found was acid reflux for which they gave me Prilosec and Nexium and a doctor said that I may have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) as that is the diagnosis they give if the patient has symptoms but nothing comes up on the tests.

About a year later my symptoms just stopped - we think it was due to stress from Advanced Placement classes.  I stopped going to the doctor, stopped taking medication and haven't done anything for it since I was 17.  I also haven't seen a doctor besides an OB/GYN since I was a teenager with a pediatrician Embarrassed  I've never gotten sick since besides colds and bugs, and I had my annual exams at the OB/GYN.

So anyway, would this be something I put on my application?  I'm not even sure if I was officially diagnosed with anything besides acid reflux and my parents don't remember either.  I don't want to be dishonest but I don't want them to look at me like I have 3 heads if I start rambling about being sick in high school but they never really found anything.  Thoughts?

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Re: How far back for health history? (Sorry Long)

  • Oh I forgot too my pediatrician at the time had me see a counselor a couple times to learn some relaxation strategies for the stomach tests.  She taught me some Reiki things, but that was all.

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  • I would explain the situation to the agency and ask them for guidance. At this point I would say it's probably not worth including, especially if there was no formal diagnosis. But they can be more informative, since they'll have experience in how these things are filled out.
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  • Thanks Dr. Loretta, that is what I will do.  I just didn't want them to think I was weird to bring it up : )

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  • I am not sure of you age, but if it was more than 20 years ago, I don't think I would even bring it up.  It does sound more like nerves to me, than anything else and if a lot of time has passed since then, no big deal, but if you are still in your 20's, agree with Dr. L and would just ask your SW before filling out the form.

    Failed Matches - December 2012, May 2013, December 2013
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  • imageIRR:
    I am not sure of you age, but if it was more than 20 years ago, I don't think I would even bring it up.  It does sound more like nerves to me, than anything else and if a lot of time has passed since then, no big deal, but if you are still in your 20's, agree with Dr. L and would just ask your SW before filling out the form.

    I'm 28 now, so it was 11 years ago.  Just to be safe I'll ask them, I'm also a little nervous about them asking me to re-take the tests or something - it was a long time ago but I remember it was not pleasant!

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  • I highly doubt they'll ask you to retake any tests. DH had an incorrect diagnosis of high BP when he was in his early 20s, and no one made him have any tests for our adoption physical. His doctor had to fill out a form indicating that he was expected to live a normal lifespan.

    Pretty much all of us have some health issue that happens sooner or later. It's not going to prevent us all from adopting.


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