
How long did it take for home study approval?

We wrapped up our final home study visit 10 days ago and haven't hear a thing from our agency since then. My SW is out of town, but told me the home study is in for review, if there were any questions, the lead SW would be contacting us, but we haven't heard anything.

I'm getting antsy as all heck, but maybe I'm not being realistic? And man oh man am I gonna be bummed if we have to wait simply for our SW to get back from vacay. They have our next check, they have our books, they have all references, the HS has been written up and submitted...ugh.

I just want HS approval so we can start being shown! 


:::Our Adoption Journey:::

Evan James was born 1/24/13 and matched with us 2/20/13. The LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!

Re: How long did it take for home study approval?

  • Our SW told us it takes her about a week to write up the homestudy and then about 3-5 days for it to be approved.  Our last visit was 10/30 and we got an email Tuesday apoligizing profusely for not having the HS done yet, and that there were a lot of placements, a retreat, and then veterans day.  She got it completed yesterday and submitted it for approval, I am hoping it will be approved either Monday or Tuesday...I hope I hope I hope....
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    11/26/2012 HOME STUDY APPROVED!!!
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  • It took our SW almost a month to write up our final report. However, we knew going in that her office was a one-woman show. So she was not only conducting homestudies, she was counseling birthparents, handling any matches that occurred during that time, leading orientation classes, meeting with other families, etc. When I initially expressed excitement over getting it done, she shot me a look like, "Don't expect it tomorrow."

    In retrospect it all worked out. We got our final HS report mid October and were matched with DD early March.

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  • IT TAKES FOREVER! Just joking, but it sure feels like it! Ours took six weeks, when they had quoted us 3, but when our approval letter came in the mail I was so glad that I didn't care anymore :-)

    Hope yours comes in soon! 

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  • Our final HS visit was July 25th, we were officially in the pool Aug 19th. Our sw had to write it up, then send it to her supervisor for approval, then to the state. Hopefully your sw did her part before she left on vacay! Though I actually remember that ours took everything with her on her own vacay and actually did the final writing there.
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  • I think we finished in late nov and started being shown in feb, but we also were waiting for stupid FBI prints
    Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • Sounds like I'm probably being ridiculous in thinking we should have heard by now, which I kinda figured; especially given our SW is out of the office all week. I do know that she did get the entire thing written up and turned in for approval before she left, so that is for sure completed. So we are literally waiting on the agency to just say "Go!" I'm not sure what all is needed for that. I should definitely have asked! I'll just try and try and TRY to be patient...not working so well.

    :::Our Adoption Journey:::

    Evan James was born 1/24/13 and matched with us 2/20/13. The LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!
  • All of our documents were in and visits completed- and then there was a 6 week delay until approval since we were waiting for one of our clearances to come back (even though we had submitted months earlier). 
  • We were told it would take about 2.5 weeks after the final visit. We're still in the paperwork phase- haven't even gotten to the actual social worker yet. At my agency that doesn't happen until all the paper work is in and you pay another chunk of money. 

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