Attachment Parenting

Advice Needed

My 2 month old has never slept well. He has reflux and dairy/soy intolerance and Zantac really helps. He's EBF. He takes naps in our arms or on his tummy during the day. The first being about 2 hrs, then 1 hr then 45 mins. He can't be put down drowsy, in his pnp, rnp or swing or on his back. We have to walk him around the house to sleep. At night he goes down at 8 and cosleeps in bed with us. Then he is up at 1030, 1230, 230, 430, 630 and 830. He's not mad, just wants to nurse. He nurses a good 30 to 45 minutes each time. I can't side lay nurse bc I have to use a shield for oversupply and overactive letdown. Am I doing something wrong here? I'm so exhausted and I go back to work on 12.10. I'm a HS teacher so I have to be up early and have energy and be happy and I don't know how I'm going to do it. I'm very AP minded so I wanted to see if there's anything I'm missing here.
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Re: Advice Needed

  • Some babies just dont sleep well right away.  I would start trying to put him down and see what happens. Maybe set up a co sleeping situation then transition him to an arms reach while youre working so hes still close. Is he going to go to day care or is he staying with dad? Or a grandparent?

    Try pumping a little before you nurse to ease the let down and or over supply. Other than that a snoogle is a great pillow to help prop you enough for sucess with a shield.

    It will get better as he gets older hes still brand new to all this too. I promise you will learn how to function when you go back to work and once every one is in a routine (with some trial and error to be honest) you will be in a good place. GL :)

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  • imageLadyDelilah:
    Some babies just dont sleep well right away. nbsp;I would start trying to put him down and see what happens. Maybe set up a co sleeping situation then transition him to an arms reach while youre working so hes still close. Is he going to go to day care or is he staying with dad? Or a grandparent?
    Try pumping a little before you nurse to ease the let down and or over supply. Other than that a snoogle is a great pillow to help prop you enough for sucess with a shield.
    It will get better as he gets older hes still brand new to all this too. I promise you will learn how to function when you go back to work and once every one is in a routine with some trial and error to be honest you will be in a good place. GL :

    We cosleep now but if I try and move him a little away he moves closer like a heat seeking missle. I don't think he'd do an arms reach or sidecarred crib. During the day he will be with dad which I'm nervous about bc dad doesn't have the patience I have. He doesn't get mad, just really flustered. I tried pumping and hand expressing but it made my oversupply worse. If I was SAH I wouldn't care because at least I could stay in bed a little longer and stay in my pjs. I'm just really nervous for dealing with this and teaching.
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  • Work with an LC on the oversupply/overactive letdown issue if you can - block feeding can help a lot here, but it takes a few weeks to adjust your supply a lot, especially at this stage.  The good news is that, in the coming month or two (or three) your supply will start to regulate better and his digestive system will mature and *that* contribution to the difficulty will decrease.
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  • imageTAGSL710:
    I can't side lay nurse bc I have to use a shield for oversupply and overactive letdown.

    I side lay nurse with a shield.
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