December 2010 Moms

Total FTM question...

Hi girls - popping my head in to ask for your sage advice... so this time around my morning sickness is of the "all day every day, especially at night, nauseous but rarely actually throwing up" variety which is a little different from last time when I had "vomit every morning then feel fine the rest of the day."

Anyway, one thing I'm having a hard time with is drinking water - it's just not appealing to me at all. Gatorade tastes great, but I prefer not to drink 500 calories a day. I thought about Crystal Light (and this is where I get all FTM on you)... but I feel like that's an awful lot of artificial sweetener / chemicals and I'm trying to avoid an excess of that.

So, what say you, oh wise ones? Get over it and drink Crystal Light if it helps keep me hydrated? Drink the gatorade because it's not "fake" sugar and just try to cut back calories elsewhere? Force myself to just get over it already and drink plain water?

FWIW, I don't think I could do the trick of just adding lemon, that kind of makes me gag just thinking about it.

Thanks in advance for humoring me... :)


Re: Total FTM question...

  • I was the same way and finally got over it into the 2nd trimester or late 2nd trimester.  I did the lemon in the water, some other berries, strawberries, etc.

    I also did the "Mio" water enhancer. I am sure it has artificial stuff too, but I just didn't like crystal light and I really only used a teeny tiny bit.  I also did regular lemonade from Country Time, really, really watered down.

    I pretty much watered down anything that was a bunch of calories and that helped with just have a little flavor. 

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  • Try something like LaCroix sparkling water. I love the lime but they have lots of flavors. The line at least has no artificial sweeteners and is no sodium etc.
    Lilypie - (vGZN)

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  • Like PP said, sparkling water might be a good option.  Flavored and bubbly.  Might also help with the nausea.  I know when I was pregnant I had GD and my dietician said Crystal Light was fine to drink if I wanted something other than water.  It didn't make my sugar go crazy.  Hope this helps.
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  • I loved Gatorade and Seltzer throughout my pregnancy!  I say just do it. I didn't see any substantial difference in my weight gain with drinking the gatorade.
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  • Crystal Light has a new like called "Pure" made with Truvia, which seems to be safe for pregnant women. I only drink one a day, spread out between three different water bottles. It definitely helps!
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  • I used to drink watered down Crystal Light.
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  • I drank a lot of low or no cal gatorade with both preg. I had all day nausea with DS1, and puked 5-6x a day with DS2! I found sucking on lemonheads or jolly ranchers helped, as well as munching on cheerios all day. It was worse with an empty stomach! GL!
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  • I generally try to stay away from artificial sweeteners anyway. So I would try something else besides Crystal Light. What worked for me was Chick-Fil-A's lemonade. It was the perfect amount of sour to kill the nausea. I also drank a lot of green tea (decaffeinated). Plain water only went down if it was ice ice cold. Like, more ice than water in the glass. Also, you could experiment with mixing ice water with varying amounts of pure juice. That's good too!!
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  • Regular water but I would have jolly ranchers in my mouth. Loved jolly ranchers.

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  • I had the same issue during this pregnancy and ended up with KoolAid.  The individual packets (each makes 2 quarts - not the tub of mix) don't have any sweetener in them.  It calls for 1 cup of sugar for the 2 quarts, but I only use 1/3 - 1/2 cup of sugar (depending on the flavor).  It's super cheap and you avoid the extra sugar and artificial sweeteners.  You could also brew your own tea and just add a little bit of your sweetener of choice.

    I would caution you about the carbonated drinks - many times they are very high in sodium and carbonation is terrible for your stomach - not sure it would help your nausea in any way... 

    And If you haven't tried it yet, maybe you might want to think about ginger root for the nausea.  It helped me so much this pregnancy as that horrible all day nausea lasted until about 30 weeks!  It comes in pills you get from GNC (or other health food store) and I took the dose my B suggested (which was 3 - 5 pills a day depending on how bad I was feeling). Hope you feel better soon and find something good to drink :)

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  • I did the lemon in water too but actually liked it so that way okay for me.  I'd do gatorade though, maybe watered down?  I like the idea of the flavored la croix waters too though.  
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  • Thank you all so much for the responses! I am going to the store this weekend to pick up some of the items you suggested & will see what does the trick!

    Thanks again!!!


  • Had the same problem and drank Gatorade. But it made me retain water like crazy. Ankles swelled up pretty bad so I had to switch back to water with a splash of juice. Good luck!
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