
Umm what?

My coworker just asked me if my mil is sad dh can't be with his family on thanksgiving. This person has met my mil a bunch of times when she vists......from Europe.
I wish I could do a side eye face but I don't know how from my phone.

Re: Umm what?

  • Maybe I'm missing something, I'm not seeing the big deal here.


  • imageMrs.adambabycakes:
    Maybe I'm missing something, I'm not seeing the big deal here.

    I was confused as well but I am assuming that she is thinking CW is dumb because his family is from Europe so they don't celebrate Thanksgiving. 

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  • imageScout2005:
    Thanksgiving is an American holiday. So the mil in Europe doesn't care.


  • imageginamcp:

    Maybe I'm missing something, I'm not seeing the big deal here.

    I was confused as well but I am assuming that she is thinking CW is dumb because his family is from Europe so they don't celebrate Thanksgiving. 

    Lol, I read through the OP 3 times and wasn't getting it. That makes sense. Although just because MIL lives in Europe doesn't mean she's from there, but I guess that's not the case.


  • imageScout2005:
    Thanksgiving is an American holiday. So the mil in Europe doesn't care.

    Yup. Last year she asked me what his family ate for Christmas dinner. When I told her turkey she made a face and said aren't they sick of if after thanksgiving. I explained the whole they don't celebrate thanksgiving in ireland thing. I guess she forgot. I should have prefaced this story with that little anecdote.
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