Hey! My student teacher is finishing up in the next 2 weeks. I'm looking to put a class gift basket together for her. I'm writing a letter home to the parents of my class. She's an early childhood major w/the hopes of teaching Kindergarten. I feel like there's other stuff that I'm forgetting. Thanks!
This is the list I've compiled so far:
? Office supplies
o Staples
o Paper clips
o Fun colored pens/pencils
o Rubber bands
o Etc.
? Hand Sanitizer
? Pre-school-2nd grade level books
? Stamps
? Stickers
? Note pads (Post-its, or other cutesy note paper pads)
? Gift Certificate to a teacher supply store
Re: NBR: Student Teacher Grad Gift
Whiteboard markers/erasers
Pencil top erasers
Clothes pins
A travel coffee mug
A good electric pencil sharpener