
Tongue tie follow up

I have to say, that was actually even worse than I expected. Maybe our story is a rare one but there was a LOT of blood when they cut my daughters and she was totally inconsolable for quite some time. It took three people to hold her down, they kept shining the light into her eyes instead of her mouth and she was completely hysterical. After all that she wouldn't even attempt to latch. At least before the procedure she would latch but just not well. I am regretting putting her through that. I feel like a horrible and selfish mom.

With my son they held him down for what seemed like forever and had that stupid thing under his tongue so far back that he couldn't even really cry all I could hear was him gasping for air through his stuffed up little nose. After several minutes of that they stopped and told me that he would need to be put under general anesthesia to have his done because it was posterior.  I left with a referral to an ENT. Did any of you have your child put totally under to correct a posterior tongue tie? That seems extreme. I don't know if it's worth it. I want to do what's best for them but I just don't know if getting this done was really worth it. Maybe I'm just feeling the residual emotions of seeing my sweet little babies go through that. Ugh.

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Re: Tongue tie follow up

  • I'm so sorry it was so difficult for you and your daughter both.  My son had his frenulectomy done in the hospital.  He was out for the whole thing and did well recovering quickly.  It was hard on me, but he slept through everything.  It really helped with nursing (which was totally worth it) and he has no problems with speech now.  Nursing was so much better after that I wished I had done it sooner.  I'm guessing that you will feel the same way once your daughter is feeling better.
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  • Sorry things went so roughly. DD is tongue tied, but our pedi wanted us to consult an oral surgeon. Oral surgeon said she didn't need clipped. I tried to BF, but my milk supply wasn't enough so I pumped. She's nearly 7 now and it hasn't affected her speech or anything. I hope things go better next time around, and DD improves for you.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
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  • I'm so sorry. It's hard to watch your LO get so upset.

    My son had a complicated tongue tie and a pediatric ENT did his procedure. He did it with a local, and my don screamed like crazy mostly gagged actually but they were able to get it.

    I would have the ENT do an evaluation and get his/her opinion before making any decisions.
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  • My DS2 was put under for his tongue tie. It's not with an IV or serious anesthesia - it's with a mask with the laughy gas + some other gases. He wasn't even under for 10min. It was very quick. The recovery has been rough b/c my DS2 is a wimp about being sick, but he's 2 and he remembers. I sooooo wish I would have done this when he was an infant. It is definitely worth it. it sucks watching your kid go through any pain, but believe me it's far more inconvenient to have long term issues - feeding or speech related. trying to get him to speak correctly is a giant PITA that could have been avoided with a 10min procedure. Yup it's worth it.
  • I'm so sorry! I've been thinking about poor little baby tongues since reading your previous post. :(  Good luck to you and your LOs.
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