Maryland Babies


does anyone know about getting unemployment after you have the baby? 

oke of the webcert questions asks were you able to work (yes or no)

if no was it a health reason (yes or no)

i am due in december and its getting close. im still able to say yeah i can work (even though i know no one wants to hire me when im going to need 6-8 weeks for maternity leave)

I am a little scared to ask because i am afraid they will say oh no you cant work so you don't get your unemployment (which my husband and i kind of need even if unemployment is 1/3 of what i was making we are making it work with that... but not getting that money for 6-8 weeks is not going to be good)  I was just wondering if anyone else had experience in this or think i should just keep saying yeah i am able to work and let people know i cant start work until 6-8 weeks after my kid is here?

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Re: unemployment

  • I'm a little confused. Are you being laid off from your job? As far as I know, that's the only way you can collect unemployment.
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  • i was laid off in mid August and am currently collecting unemployment but due to the questions im not sure how to answer after i have the baby
    Praying that this baby stays with me. BabyFruit Ticker
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  • My sister was laid off while pregnant and I am pretty sure that she was able to collect unemployment during the 6 week period where she was "recovering" from her delivery.  You should definitely call and ask about how to answer the question given the unusual circumstance. 

    When my daughter was in the NICU a lot of the moms went back to work before the 6 week was up so that they could save their maternity leave for when the baby came home. 

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