Hi, I've mostly been over on April 2013, but have realized that some of these other boards could be immensely informative as well... My FI has a 3yr old who we have for 3 weeks every 4 weeks (until she starts school, we live 13hrs from her mother), and apparently she has an eating disorder.
FI has told me that her mother has brought her to several doctors and the most information I can get out of him (they don't communicate very well yet) is that there is definitely something medical (hormones? chemical? I have no idea) that is making her this way. She always has a hungry feeling, and she doesn't know when she is full. If you let her, she will literally eat until she throws up. She is constantly whining because she is "hungry."
I try to give her healthy foods as often as I can (fruits, veggies, etc.) and try to limit her to portions appropriate for a 3yr old. Small snacks between balanced meals and all that good stuff. But it gets tiring having to tell her that she can't have something more to eat (because she ate more than I did for dinner and then had dessert), or have to tell her that she is done eating and her belly is full when she obviously doesn't feel that it is.
How can I better deal with this without getting so frustrated? If she keeps up eating like she is, she is going to be so huge (and I know obesity leads to all sorts of other health problems), the poor girl is already way overweight and it just makes me sad that I can't do more for her.
Re: Hello, and didn't know where else to ask this...