I'm coming out of the woodwork here. I've been lurking since August when we found out we were expecting #2, and now I figured I'd start posting more often (hopefully!).
Anyway, DS' name is Alex ... and although we don't have names picked out for sure (we find out the gender December 4th), I have a list started of ones that I like.
My questions are these:
1. If a girl, would Allison be too close sound-wise with Alex?
2. If a boy, would Graham be weird since DS' full name is Alexander (think Alexander Graham Bell). We NEVER call him by his full name; only Alex.
Other names that are on my list:
Girls (middle name Ruth to honor my grandma):
Boys (middle name Raymond to honor my Dad):
Gabriel (not completely sold on this though)
Do any on my list flow better with Alex than the two initially mentioned?
Thanks for your help!
Re: Name to Go With DS'
1. Yes, I think Allison and Alex are too similar. Just my opinion, but I like Jillian Ruth much better than Allison Ruth anyway!
2. No, I don't think Graham would be weird. I didn't make the connection. Graham Raymond doesn't sound as good to me, though, as Raymond Graham. Are you opposed to Raymond as a first name? I love it; you don't hear it often. I do love the name Graham as well, though.
I think that Allison is to similar to Alex. You have Jullian on your list for girls but what about Lillian. I like the sound of Lillian Ruth.
I like Raymond its very refreshing to hear something different. I agree with PP what about Raymond Grahman.
I agree with both PPs about all of that.
Allison is too similar to Alex.
Jillian is my favorite, I also LOVE PP's suggestion of Lillian.
Raymond is a really nice name and IMO underused, is there a reason you don't want to use it as a fn? I like Raymond Graham very much.
I love how you're honoring family members with your name picks!
From your list my favorites are Amelia and Lucas. I think you are right about Graham, could be too themey.
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
1) I don't think they are too close, but could be a tongue twister to say both names simultaneously.
2) Not weird at all. If you would have named DS1 Alexander Graham, then yes it would have been weird.
From you list, my favorites are: Jillian and Graham.