Cloth Diapering


So, I think DD has a little patch of ringworm in her diaper area think front, fatty area of pubic bone. I'm treating with Monistat, hoping that takes care of it. All of her diapers have been washed with bleach and vinegar. Should I use disposables until the ringworm is gone??

Re: Ringworm??

  • Was she exposed to ringworm? If it's truly ringworm, I would take her to the doctor before it spreads.
  • It looks just like ringworm, only it's not really peeling. I am not 100 sure because it hasn't spread or changed at all since I saw it on Friday.
    The doctor told me to try Lotrimin and see what it looks like by Friday.

    I read that eczema can look similar to ringworm. It just seems weird that it would be eczema or dry skin because of where it's located and its nice round shape.

    Maybe I'll give the Lotrimin another couple days and then try some thick cream like Eucarin or something else for Eczema.

    I think they need a "rash app" for smart phones!
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  • FWIW, I have eczema and most of the time when I break out it's in round patches.  It's red, rough, and round.  I use Cetaphil every day.  We're using Eucerine on DD becuase she has really dry skin and was diagnosed with eczema in the diaper area when she was really young.  I'd stick with what your doc is recommending though, and then ask him/her about trying something else.  Good luck!
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  • I wonder if its just now showing up she is 19 months because I have recently started using a disposable overnight?? We didn't switch to cloth until 11 months, but I used them almost exclusively once I switched. I have started using a disposable overnight until I get some different inserts for overnight because she is just soaking through her MF inserts. Could the disposable be partially to blame?? Or, am I just worrying too much about something??
  • Ringworm is round with a large white spot in the midde.  It literally looks like a ring.  Also, it is EXTREMELY itchy. I had it when I was younger.

    If the spot is filled in, it's probably not ringworm.  pic from google images.


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