We were just trying to decide when we should start buying things for baby. We are not yet matched, just starting the process really and expect to be waiting about 10 months. I just hate to be rushed if something were to happen sooner. I spoke with a family the other day that was placed with a week of the match? I want to be prepared for something like that (even though I know it is extremely rare!)
We were thinking of maybe picking everything out ? so that we know exactly what we want, but not buying until we are at least matched.
Curious how everyone else handled this if you are up for sharing!
Re: How soon did you buy items, decorate nursery?
We have been waiting a year now, and we're one of those couples who bought EVERYTHING. We had a couple potential immediate matches, and I felt more comfortable being prepared than not. Now, like Dr. Loretta said, it's kind of sad to be reminded how optimistic we were for a quick match.
That being said, I wouldn't change anything. Now, all we'll need is some diapers in the right size and we'll be good to go. It's reassuring knowing that the financial obligation of buying everything is behind us, and also in a strange way, because we know we're ready, we can put it out of our minds and just live until we get the call. Now, I just buy maybe one little thing every couple months or so to stay positive and enthusiastic about it.
I think everyone has a different take on this, but if you are the kind of person who hates to be rushed and would rather be prepared, go with your instincts. I am the same way. I figured, the earlier I started preparing, the more prepared I would be.
We aren't matched, just waiting, but I have everything ready. I had the nursery set up before our HS was even complete...but I also have another child in the house, and the idea of having a baby room makes me happy, not depressed. I like to sit in there and knit in the rocker sometimes. We already had the crib and bedding from DS. I traded in his old pack n play, infant seat and old stroller for new ones at the Babies R Us great trade in event (the best sale EVER!), and I have been buying clothes, carriers, bottles, paci's and diapers a little at a time.
Truth be told, we have everything we need and I am still baby shopping...and LOVING every minute of it. If we wait 2 years and I shop for cute baby things the whole time, I will have no regrets. I'd rather be over prepared, than under prepared. I think it just really depends on your take on it, and whether you perceive it as a depressing chore, or having the time of your life. This is most probably my last LO so I am going all out and letting myself really enjoy it. I didn't allow myself to have this kind of fun with DS, and I wish I had.
I'm struggling with this. We are matched, but I'm afraid to buy things in fear of it not going through. My mother feels like I need to have everything set in stone already.
Slowly but surely I am buying things. Our baby is due 2/1.
We've been matched since June. Started buying a few baby basics Labor Day since Carter's had a 50% off sale. We just ordered bedroom furniture last week with the understanding if things fall through we will not need to take delivery. We painted the room, bought a super cute carpet and that is it so far. We made a list on Walmart for the things we will pick up near the hospital once all goes through, but if it doesn't, then we won't pick them up. I love walking by the room every day and seeing the bright lavender color. We are 2-3 weeks away and I just attended a baby class this evening and now I am concerned that the car seat won't be washed before we use it, but I think I can live with that and we will wash it once we get to the hotel we are staying out once we have the baby with us.
I can see both sides of being prepared and not wanting things around. I have told friends and family that we don't want anything until after the TPR is signed which is 72 hours after birth. Since we will be away for two weeks it will give others plenty of time to pick up gifts from a registry that I will make public once we know we will be bringing our LO home. I did get a bunch of hand me downs from my cousin, but only took the 0-3 month sizes to start, just in case.