
former EPers - weaning ?

So I took my sweet time weaning. W I finally was down to 1 pump a day and one day it was only 2 oz (I was used to getting 12-15), I thought I was done.  The pump was picked up this week and I haven't pumped in more than 7 days.

BUT, I'm full of milk.  I'm not sore but they are tender.  Last night I had a let down on my left side (ABIGLETDOWN) and had milk all over the bed.  Isn't this suppose to dry up?  When?  I'm tempted to run to target for a cheap hand pump just to be done.

just wondering your experience

Re: former EPers - weaning ?

  • DON'T PUMP! That will just tell your body to make more. I haven't pumped in over two weeks and I still leak just a small amount (especially when the girls cry). From what I've read this is normal and it just takes time.
  • have you tried wearing a tight sports bra? that may also help. good luck.
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  • I had the same problem and would manually express a little (it's painful to warn you), for a little relief.  I think two days later I dried up completely.
  • I returned the pump yesterday and today I am leaking milk! I am so mad! Although, I haven't pumped in 4 days! I think if you pump it will just make it worse. Try wearing a tight bra.?
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