I was wondering if anyone has any advice on baby wearing after a c-section? Did you wait until after the 6 week checkup, were you feeling up for it sooner? And what kind of wrap or carrier did you use?
I have a moby wrap, and I've been really excited to try it out. I'm almost 2 weeks pp, and am having a really smooth recovery. I'm hesitant though to start using the wrap because I'm afraid her little legs would kick or agitate the incision, or that wearing her around would somehow impair the healing process. It's not like I'm up and out and about a lot either, it would more be for practice wearing her and getting used to it.
Re: Baby wearing after a c-section - how long?
I started wearing after about 2-3 weeks in my Moby. I also had a very fast and smooth recovery. My son just slept when he was in it (at that age) so baby shouldn't be kicking you. And in the newborn hold their legs are up by their body.
With the baby wrapped that tight/close to you, s/he probably wouldn't be strong enough to kick so hard to hurt you.
The only thing I worried about was where my carrier sat on my stomach. The lower straps of mine wrap around directly over my incision so I waited until it was comfortable enough to do so.
I'd say if you are feeling up to it, give it a try. If it's uncomfortable, give it another week and try again. Just remember you can still overdo-it at 2 weeks pp, so make sure you don't try to do too much.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
Used the moby at 1 week pp. I tie in the back or on the side, partly because I'm on the heavier side, but mostly because I don't want it tied across my stomach.
I've used both the newborn hug hold and the kangaroo hold and her feet are no where near my incision in either hold. She prefers the hug hold, her legs are in and tucked up. You want baby's head up near your collar bone.
Thank you ladies, this is all very reassuring! I'll probably try it out in a few days. The newborn and the kangaroo are the ones that I was most interested in for right away.
I mainly just wanna try it out around the house before taking it out in public. Just kinda see how she likes it, which wrap she prefers and all that jazz.
I will experiment with tying in the back and on the sides, cause I'm a bit on the heavier side as well. I'm excited to try it out!
I wore my son in the Moby at 1 week post partum. However, he was only 7lbs 2oz at birth, so not a huge kid to tote around.
I don't recall it bothering my incision any more than a pair of pants did. I just made sure he was nice and high.
DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d