I don't know any of them. It was before my time. Now which Backstreet Boy was cuter I can answer.
I thought we were the same age? If so, NKOTB was definitely popular when we were little.
I used to think that NKOTB was a Canadian band and that only Canadians were allowed to listen to them. Damnyou rest of the world, damnyou!
I have no idea when they were popular. I am 22, born in the year 1990. Sooo, if they were popular before the Spice Girls and Hansen were popular then I would be shocked to know them. My parents didn't listen to them.
::prepares post-it for people who chose Danny over Jonathan::
Joey is obviously the best, but Danny gets votes and Jonathan doesn't?
Sad Jonathan.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
I don't know any of them. It was before my time. Now which Backstreet Boy was cuter I can answer.
I thought we were the same age? If so, NKOTB was definitely popular when we were little.
I used to think that NKOTB was a Canadian band and that only Canadians were allowed to listen to them. Damnyou rest of the world, damnyou!
how old are you steph? because I'm 25 and maybe I was a huge loser or something but I have no idea when it comes to NKOTB...
I'm 24. They were majorly popular until like '94, and then they came back in 2008. Although, I definitely think they lost some steam when they came back.
I don't know any of them. It was before my time. Now which Backstreet Boy was cuter I can answer.
I thought we were the same age? If so, NKOTB was definitely popular when we were little.
I used to think that NKOTB was a Canadian band and that only Canadians were allowed to listen to them. Damnyou rest of the world, damnyou!
how old are you steph? because I'm 25 and maybe I was a huge loser or something but I have no idea when it comes to NKOTB...
I'm 24. They were majorly popular until like '94, and then they came back in 2008. Although, I definitely think they lost some steam when they came back.
The Moffatts anyone? Anyone?
I had the Mofffats CD!
I loved the moffats!!! I thought clint was cute!!! Wonder what happened to them!!!
Anyway........i loved jordan....i can't believe how many liked Donnie back then...
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I've met Donnie three times. He is such a great guy and is so nice to his fans. I went through a Joey phase, but Donnie has always been my favorite. Danny may look like a monkey, but I read somewhere that he dated Halle Berry back in the day!
I'm 26. I too was never into them and have no idea what they look like. I can also tell you which BSB is cutest. (Back then I loved A.J. & Brian. Now I would tell my younger self to pick Nick.)
I've kind of met the Moffat boys. Most of my friends did when we were teens. They were friends of friends and used to come to our tiny town a few times a year. The night I kinda met them was a NYE party at the bar so they were washed up and old at the age of 19 and stuff. The place was packed, probably because of them. One was hitting on my friend a bit. NKOTB was my last boyband love so I didn't care too much by then.
I played with Barbies for way longer than most kids. ::ashamed face::
As did I. I was changing their clothes until I was 12 or 13. I think my friend that owned them was making them have sex after dates then but I was naive at that age. I didn't even know the naughty "C" words until I moved to a new town at 15.
I think my friend that owned them was making them have sex after dates then but I was naive at that age. I didn't even know the naughty "C" words until I moved to a new town at 15.
Yea, my barbies definitely had the secks when I got male dolls. lol
Then I read in a magazine that he'd been caught smoking weed and trashing his hotel room. Then I didn't like him anymore and from that point on, Joey became my #1.
Re: A more important poll than Ashleysyn2's poll
19 of you have looked and only 1 of you have voted?! (I was the other one)
Thanks bishes...thanks.
I don't know any of them. It was before my time. Now which Backstreet Boy was cuter I can answer.
(for JaP)
Poor Jonathan. No love for him.
I voted Joey because I was in LURVE with him. TRUE LURVE.
I sowwy.
I can't help that I am young.
I have no idea when they were popular. I am 22, born in the year 1990. Sooo, if they were popular before the Spice Girls and Hansen were popular then I would be shocked to know them. My parents didn't listen to them.
how old are you steph? because I'm 25 and maybe I was a huge loser or something but I have no idea when it comes to NKOTB...
::prepares post-it for people who chose Danny over Jonathan::
Joey is obviously the best, but Danny gets votes and Jonathan doesn't?
Sad Jonathan.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
I had the Mofffats CD!
It's a pimp cane right? Cuz your just that awesome!?
Do you hate fun?
I believe that was Danny. lol
Does he still look like that? Now I need to google...
I google imaged NKOTB Monkey and this came up...is this him?
lol yeah that's him!
I loved the moffats!!! I thought clint was cute!!! Wonder what happened to them!!!
Anyway........i loved jordan....i can't believe how many liked Donnie back then...
I've met Donnie three times. He is such a great guy and is so nice to his fans. I went through a Joey phase, but Donnie has always been my favorite. Danny may look like a monkey, but I read somewhere that he dated Halle Berry back in the day!
I still have Moffatt's songs on my iPod. I went to NH just to see them in concert and meet them. Wasn't Dave on Canadian Idol several years ago?
I played with Barbies for way longer than most kids. ::ashamed face::
I was a Jordan girl. Danny always creeped me out.
As did I. I was changing their clothes until I was 12 or 13. I think my friend that owned them was making them have sex after dates then but I was naive at that age. I didn't even know the naughty "C" words until I moved to a new town at 15.
It looks like you are wrong.
Joey FTW!
You were in junior high when Lady Gaga opened for them?? This was just a few years ago, no? On their reunion tour?
I am ancient.
ETA: Joey. Obviously. Saw him perform in Boston on NYE '99 shortly after he made his solo comeback. Swoon!
It was during the reunion tour and my grade school/junior high self that LOVED Donnie died of happiness. Guess that didn't come across right.
Yea, my barbies definitely had the secks when I got male dolls. lol
My favourite was Donnie.
Then I read in a magazine that he'd been caught smoking weed and trashing his hotel room. Then I didn't like him anymore and from that point on, Joey became my #1.