Special Needs

Stroller recommendations

Hello all. It's been a while, I have been MIA for a bit. However, my daughter just had foot surgery and is casted up to her thighs for 4 weeks. Needless to say she is not walking. I need a good stroller recommendation. I was looking at jogger strollers, but they are so bulky. Any other recommendations??? Thanks
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Re: Stroller recommendations

  • Do you have a price range?  I have several girlfriends who have a city mini and LOVE it.  It is a jogger, but folds up with one hand and very compactly.  It is pricey, though.  Another one a friend likes is the combi cosmo.


    Good luck! 

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Carson Henry, born 39w, 2d, via emergency c/s due to no fetal movement and fetal distress.  Seizures, IVH grade 2, brain injury, kidney and liver damage.  Complete blood clot in the artery in his right arm.  27 days in the NICU.  Now discharged from all specialists, excepts his kidney doctor, who will monitor him indefinitely.  My tough little cookie.

  • We have the City Mini double and love it! The City Micro might work too and is much cheaper.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • We have a Joovy Scooter which you can find for about $100 on Amazon. It's great for taller kids and has a lot of the features of a push-chair. We are happy with it. :)
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