Texas Babies


I am new to the area and I am looking for a photographer to do a family session before December. I can't spend more than $200 and I am limited on time as my husband works overseas and will only be home for 1 week. TIA 
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Re: Photographers

  • I recommend a few.... Kiwi Kids by Dos Kiwis Studio ; they just started doing family photos, but they do an AMAZING work!!!

  • I love my photographer! She did my family and wedding pictures and she's local!

     She's inexpensive, right in your price range!


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  • Have you heard about Biovideo ?  I know they are in selected hospitals but they did an amazing video for my sister's daughter, musicalized, personalized and for FREE, she was born in Baptist St. Lukes but i know they are extending their service to more hospitals.

     I already sent them an e-mail requesting their services this is their website: www.biovideo.com and this is their contact e-mail: contactus@biovideo.com

     Hope this helps a little !


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