

Hello everyone! Wanted to introduce myself! I am Alison. This was my first pregnancy with no complications at all. Not even morning sickness. We had been TTC for 6 months.

Emerson Ella was born at 1:21pm on Saturday Nov 3rd weighing 5.2lbs and measuring 18in long. She is the love of my life. She was 4.5 weeks early. Apgar score was 9 and 9.

Emerson was supposed to be in the NICU for only a couple hours after her blood sugar was low. That couple hours that Emmy was supposed to be in NICU has turned into one week so far. She refused eating at first so they gave her a feeding tube. She then would throw up the feeding tube food so they had to run an IV. She is so small so they had to place the IV in her head. Scary looking but normal for preemies I know. Then she started eating better the next day  so they took out the IV and placed the feeding tube back in. She had a hard time the first day regulating her body temp but is doing great now. So in order for her to get out of the NICU she has to eat her goal amount at each feeding for 48 hours without using her tube once. The frustrating part is that she will eat over her amount for 5 feedings in a row then only eat half so the 48 hour clock starts over again. This is all typical for preemies. They eat awesome then clunck out because they are tired. It?s nothing strange.. very normal.

I would not wish my pain on my worst enemy. Leaving the hospital without your baby has to be the worst feeling ever. Even not having her in my room for the hospital stay was bad but leaving her there was utter insanity. Everyone tells you go to home and get a good night sleep and rest up and take care of yourself and she will be out in no time. Yeah but until you are in the preemie/NICU situation, you have no idea. That advice is laughable. I still get to go to the hospital everyday and see her and feed her and change her. But then I have to leave her all over again.

She could have been born a lot earlier and had lung problems or been jaundice or tons of other stuff. I actually have it easy compared to other NICU moms and dads.  I have made friends with the mom next door to Emmy who had twins at 30 weeks and they have been in there 7 weeks already. Someone always has it worse but regardless, it is still so hard. No book will prepare you for it.

Counting down the days until I get to bring her home!! The nurses say that maybe Thursday is a realistic goal but who knows.

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