
Formula Questions (be honest!)

Just curious how strict people are with formula.  Do you:

1. Ever reheat formula after it has gone cold?

2. Ever use formula that has been in the fridge more than 24 hours?

3. Ever give one baby the other's leftover formula?

4. Ever feed a baby formula that has been sitting out longer than an hour?

I am very strict about it but I am wondering if maybe I overdo it with the rules. TIA!


4/08 BFP resulted in m/c
8/08 BFP resulted in m/c
3/09 Polyp removed and dx MTHFR (both copies)
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8/09 IUI#3 with Clomid=BFN
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Re: Formula Questions (be honest!)

  • 1. Ever reheat formula after it has gone cold? No. But my boys drink their formula warm to room temp.

    2. Ever use formula that has been in the fridge more than 24 hours? Within an hour or so, yes. If I prep bottles at 7pm tonight but they don't take their last bottle until 8pm tomorrow I won't worry about it.

    3. Ever give one baby the other's leftover formula? No. We offer 6oz per bottle each because that's the most they'll usually eat. We might have some leftovers to toss but there is never a mad rush to get more.

    4. Ever feed a baby formula that has been sitting out longer than an hour? No. It's refrigerated until 15 minutes before a feeding when we put the bottle in a bucket of warm water. If we're out I put the powder in one bottle and the water in another and mix it right before giving it to them.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Married 9/22/07, began TTC 8/10
    Diagnosed with DOR, LP defect, mild endometriosis and cysts
    BFP #1 EDD 9/10/11, natural miscarriage at 6w
    BFP #2 Medicated cycle, twin boys born 4/4/12 at 29w4d
    BFP #3 EDD 8/8/14, D&C for missed miscarriage at 8w, baby boy with triploidy
    BFP #4 June 2014 CP
  • 1. Ever reheat formula after it has gone cold?

    No - but my guys drank cold formula, we never heated it. If I were to heat it up, I wouldn't reheat it. It's simply a good way to grow bacteria.


    2. Ever use formula that has been in the fridge more than 24 hours?

    Probably. We used formula pitchers. I doubt it was ever much beyond that though. And we didn't pour "unused" formula back in to the pitcher. 


    3. Ever give one baby the other's leftover formula?

    Yep. But pretty rarely, because the dudes had two different types of formulas. (one was on Neosure and the other was on AR. 


    4. Ever feed a baby formula that has been sitting out longer than an hour?

    Nope. Definite chance of serious bacteria growth.

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  • Yes to all of your questions.
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  • I never did any of the above. They were on same formula, but DS needed more rice added for his reflux. We made a day's worth of bottles the night before and warmed them when it was time to eat.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • imagelunatwo:


    1. Ever reheat formula after it has gone cold? NEVER, but mine drink at room temp

    2. Ever use formula that has been in the fridge more than 24 hours? NEVER but always make fresh

    3. Ever give one baby the other's leftover formula? all the time. Asked doc on this one & he said go for it!

    4. Ever feed a baby formula that has been sitting out longer than an hour? yes. 1.5hrs


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  • Just curious how strict people are with formula.  Do you:

    1. Ever reheat formula after it has gone cold? Never needed to, they took it room temp.

    2. Ever use formula that has been in the fridge more than 24 hours? Never

    3. Ever give one baby the other's leftover formula? No, they took different types.

    4. Ever feed a baby formula that has been sitting out longer than an hour? Never.


    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • I never reheated, but I never heated in the first place. Always room temp. I never pre-made formula for anything - sent a can of it to daycare for them to use there, and mixed every bottle fresh. Haven't had the twins yet, so I can't say that I've ever shared a bottle between two or more kids. If my kids didn't finish a bottle, I'd usually keep it until they did - but never more than four hours - the most common situation where this would happen was if we were out and about and I didn't want to waste what I'd mixed up already. 
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    *Spontaneous* OHSS diagnosed 08.06.2012
    Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
    Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013

  • 1. I honestly don't remember.

    2. We might've fudged by an hour or two.

    3. All the time!!

    4. Again, may have fudged this slightly but not by much.

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • 1. No

    2. Yes, I make pitchers.

    3. Yes

    4. I only let it go maybe 10 mins past the hour mark.

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  • 1. We don't heat formula unless it's been in the fridge, and then we just warm it a bit in some hot water, so we don't reheat it if it's just gone "cold" at room temperature.

    2. No, but I'm sure it would be fine.

    3. ALL THE TIME. I think every twin mom does this, or almost every twin mom who uses formula.

    4. No, but again it would probably be okay for a little longer. I figure they're being conservative safety-wise when they say an hour.

  • 1. Ever reheat formula after it has gone cold? No

    2. Ever use formula that has been in the fridge more than 24 hours? By a couple of hours maybe... I called Similac and spoke to a rep a couple of months ago and she said that it doesn't go bad at the 24 hour mark but it starts to break down and separate !

    3. Ever give one baby the other's leftover formula? I did once !

    4. Ever feed a baby formula that has been sitting out longer than an hour? No

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  • 1 - Yes, but only if we've made it at room temp, they drank a little, and then we refrigerated and reheated. We've never heated it twice.

    2 - No, but with two babies I can't imagine making a big enough batch that its more then we would use in 24 hours.

    3 - All the time

    4 - Yes, but not by a huge amount. Maybe 1.5 hours?

    I was pretty strict for the first month or so and then eased up. 

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  • imagelunatwo:

    Just curious how strict people are with formula.  Do you:

    1. Ever reheat formula after it has gone cold? Yes.

    2. Ever use formula that has been in the fridge more than 24 hours? No, I didn't start making pitchers until they were older and my pitcher doesn't make enough at a time to last all day!

    3. Ever give one baby the other's leftover formula? Yes, especially when they were younger and couldn't wait.

    4. Ever feed a baby formula that has been sitting out longer than an hour? Yes, but only when one of my girls was going through a phase where I couldn't get her to take very much in one sitting, and very rarely even then.

    I am very strict about it but I am wondering if maybe I overdo it with the rules. TIA!


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  • 1. Ever reheat formula after it has gone cold?  No.

    2. Ever use formula that has been in the fridge more than 24 hours?  No, but we tended to mix each bottle as needed.

    3. Ever give one baby the other's leftover formula?  No.

    4. Ever feed a baby formula that has been sitting out longer than an hour?  Very rarely, but yes.  


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