I've always been curious about this and love hearing people's answers... in a perfect world, how many kids would you like to have and does this differ from what will most likely be the reality?
For me, if kids weren't so expensive and/or hard work, I'd love four. I'm HOPING for a third in a few years but DH says he's done, so unless I can do some pretty hefty convincing then it'll be just two for us... which I'm, of course, happy and grateful for!
Re: Friday Poll: Number of Kids?
I've always said I want at least 2, maybe 3, but lately I'm really thinking I want 3. But I'm pretty sure DH only wants one more so I'm probably out of luck He thinks he's too old and he is really hoping that #2 will be here before his 40th birthday next summer. Maybe if #2 is another boy I may have more luck making my case for a 3rd!
Honestly, minutes after DS was born I thought "Crap. I could do this 10 more times, I'm gonna want a ton of kids." Obviously that's unrealistic though!
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w
BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d
BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
My Blog: Decorate This
I think we are close to shutting it down at one.
In an IDEAL world, where my commute was shorter and I was about 5 years younger, I'd love 2. But, trying to save money for college and retirement in the next 20 years (and paying for daycare for another 4-5 years) is just not likely for us.
It's funny this came up because my doctor asked me at my annual exam yesterday if we were going to try for a fourth. I told him we were 95% sure we're done, but if we win the lottery (which we don't even play) we would definitely have one more, lol. Right now, DH works part-time and has the girls twice a week. I know he's itching to go back fulltime and having another would push that back another two years so I think we are done. It does make me sad though
In an ideal world where I could stay home (just until they start school), I would have one or two more. The ideal world would have also included me meeting DH a lot earlier though too.
In my mind I had always hoped for two, although some days I do get the itch, but I know and so does DH that baby#3 will never happen. It's too dangerously for me and baby. Plus DH has gotten snipped, so I like to hope and pray that it doesn't happen.
I'm happy with my two little girls!
Baby Girl #2 is on her way!
miscarriage on 11/26/09 at 5w6d