Alabama Babies

HH in Madison natural birth

Has anyone attempted a natural birth at huntsville hospital in Madison? I haven't had my hospital tour yet so I haven't had the chance to get a feel for how they operate. I'm just curious as to how natural birth friendly they are.
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Re: HH in Madison natural birth

  • HH in Madison has only been delivering babies since this past summer, so I really don't know the answer to your question.  I had my little girl at HH in Huntsville 3 years ago and even though I had an epi, it was by my own accord of asking, they never pushed it on me, they were pretty much like whatever you would like to do.  Hope that helps a little. 
  • I live in Madison and am traveling to Bham to Brookwood for my natural birth. Looking on the Madison Hospital website, I read a Q&A about homebirths/waterbirths that felt very anti-NCB and fearmongering. 

    Brookwood is well-known to be NCB-friendly(they have birthing tubs in a few of their delivery rooms). I'm pretty nervous about it being an hour and a half away, but I want to have a good birthing experience and I like the doctors there.  

     Good luck with your decision! :) 

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  • I took a tour of the Madison hospital and their philosofy was very similar to what I heard at Crestwood. They only had 2 csections so far. Their equipment and rooms look great, and I was really happy with the staff. You should schedule a tour, it was definitely worth it.
  • I haven't been to Madison Hospital, but I had an unmedicated birth with my son at Crestwood.  I have heard Athens-Limestone hospital is "natural birth" friendly.
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