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Fetal VSD detected at 24 weeks preg

Have any of you had this happen? What was the outcome? Trying to remain positive that the hole will close but also worrying about possible Downs...did not do any genetic testing...

Re: Fetal VSD detected at 24 weeks preg

  • P had a VSD detected via a fetal echo, we did a follow up echo when she was about a month old and it had closed.  I think VSD is one of the most common heart defects, how far along are you?
    They never suggested we do any additional testing, the only thing, heart wise, P has now is a PFO which again, is pretty common. 

    Good Luck!
    DD1(4):VSD & PFO (Closed!), Prenatal stroke, Mild CP, Delayed pyloric opening/reflux, Brachycephaly & Plagiocephaly, Sacral lipoma, Tethered spinal cord, Compound heterozygous MTHFR, Neurogenic bladder, Urinary retention & dyssynergia, incomplete emptying, enlarged Bladder with Poor Muscle Tone, EDS-Type 3. Mito-Disorder has been mentioned

    DD2(2.5): Late term premie due to PTL, low fluid & IUGR, Reflux, delayed visual maturation, compound heteroygous MTHFR, PFAPA, Bilateral kidney reflux, Transient hypogammaglobulinemia, EDS-Type 3

  • VSD can close on their own! I think they often do, depending on size. Did you get any info on size and/or correction?

    I'm not sure what the risk of Down syndrome is with a VSD as the only marker. Our daughter, Lauren, was born with a large AVSD which was corrected through open heart surgery. It sucked but we got through it and doesn't affect our lives at all anymore. She also has Down syndrome which does affect our lives but it mostly awesome ways.

    Good luck!

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  • My DD has a VSD, it hasn't closed yet, but its small so the dr's are taking a watch and see approach. DD does have Down syndrome and is perfect in every way!
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  • Lauren is so cute!!! Thank you for replying. 


  • Thank you! I'm know I will love & cherish my DD no matter what, just trying to get an idea of odds that she may have DS. 
  • I am 24 weeks along (twins). Thank you for replying :)
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