I try to pretend its not that bad and there is some hope, then *** like that comes up and hits me in the face again.
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
It makes it worse that they're young kids. Hopefully, once they go away to college, they will gain a new perspective on the world. (Assuming that their racism stems from their parents.) It makes me nauseous that people are so hateful for no reason.
This is completely beside the point, but the grammar. Yikes.
Yeah, the grammar got me, too. But I always take secret pleasure in asshats like that showing their idiocy and ignorance in multiple ways.
I especially like the one where she claims she shouldn't be called racist just because she used the n word. I wonder what they think of the first openly gay senator being elected. Effing people. It makes me sick that this attitude is still so prevalent.
It makes it worse that they're young kids. Hopefully, once they go away to college, they will gain a new perspective on the world. (Assuming that their racism stems from their parents.) It makes me nauseous that people are so hateful for no reason.
This is completely beside the point, but the grammar. Yikes.
I love them talking about how dumb Obama is while totally misspelling all kinds of things. Like "if" when they meant "It" and "alot". Really? Dumbasses.
Also, someone in the comments section posted the peoples' full names and where they attend high school and what sports they play to try and get people to C&P their tweets so that they don't get scholarships. I feel bad for them, because I know that they're just kids and don't realize the full impact of their words.
i do think that comment goes a little too far, but at what point do we say they should be responsible for words they publish for the world to see? they're 17 and 18 if they're looking at college scholarships. 18 year olds vote and go to war.
and i love that someone actually wrote "coinensadince." yeah, i'm sure your political analysis is very insightful!
That's a good question. I don't know. I do feel torn on it because their words are so hurtful and I think that they need to be held accountable for them, but I'm not sure I think that it should affect their futures.
this is the kind of thing that scares the hell out of me for my kids. i feel lucky that i grew up with the internet, but i'm old enough that i wasn't even using email until i was in college and got my student account. i wasn't on there at 14 and 15 saying the stupid *** that popped into my head. i used to mentor a kid near me, who has since moved, so i don't see her face to face anymore, but i'm still her facebook friend. and she posts some seriously atrocious *** sometimes. and she's jobhunting. that's not a good mix and as a society, i don't think we have a good handle on what to do with all this access and information. i don't really think less of her for posting the things she does, but on the other hand, i also wouldn't be surprised if the person interviewing her for any position dealing with customers, for example, thought, "hmmm, this person sure says ** a lot. and hey, there's a pic of her waving a dildo around. i don't think i want them serving coffee/selling watches/whatever."
i have no clue how to help my kids prepare for that without turning into a total nazi about their online lives. so i'm not without empathy for the kids in that article. frankly, feel sorriest for the one at the end who quotes his mom. way to go mrs miller.
Reading that was so disheartening. I am not so naive that I think that racism will die out, but I was shocked to read that level of vile, racist, hatred from teenagers.
Oh.my.God. Unbelievable. I have no words. I am completely sick to my stomach. Just when you think this country is becoming a better, more accepting place, someone goes and proves you wrong.
As long as people here are aware that the majority of people who did not vote for Obama are not like this, then I think it is fair to demonize these ass hats.
I know there are bad apples out there- but there are bad apples in every organization. Herman Cain was visiting a nearby city so I went (also for an excuse to go to one of my fav restaurants ha) and do you know how many people were yelling racial slurs and things like "Uncle Tom" just because of his political affiliation too?
People disappoint me. I will do my best to teach my daughter to not hate and hopefully a few generations down the road it won't exist. But we are not yet far enough removed from the segregated society our grandparents lived in to expect it to be gone. I don't think our children will see it in their lifetime either.
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Re: Racists make sore losers
I try to pretend its not that bad and there is some hope, then *** like that comes up and hits me in the face again.
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
<a href
That is repulsive. If the teenagers are spewing that vitriol, just imagine what they're parents are saying.
Actually, don't. Disgusting.
I like the way that one about 2012 the movie spelled coincidence.
People's racist, yo. Wow, that was bad.
My Blog
Yeah, the grammar got me, too. But I always take secret pleasure in asshats like that showing their idiocy and ignorance in multiple ways.
I especially like the one where she claims she shouldn't be called racist just because she used the n word. I wonder what they think of the first openly gay senator being elected. Effing people. It makes me sick that this attitude is still so prevalent.
I love them talking about how dumb Obama is while totally misspelling all kinds of things. Like "if" when they meant "It" and "alot". Really? Dumbasses.
Yeah this. This was a completely disgusting display of racism.
I just can't wrap my head around the ignorance.
i do think that comment goes a little too far, but at what point do we say they should be responsible for words they publish for the world to see? they're 17 and 18 if they're looking at college scholarships. 18 year olds vote and go to war.
and i love that someone actually wrote "coinensadince." yeah, i'm sure your political analysis is very insightful!
You and me both.
this is the kind of thing that scares the hell out of me for my kids. i feel lucky that i grew up with the internet, but i'm old enough that i wasn't even using email until i was in college and got my student account. i wasn't on there at 14 and 15 saying the stupid *** that popped into my head. i used to mentor a kid near me, who has since moved, so i don't see her face to face anymore, but i'm still her facebook friend. and she posts some seriously atrocious *** sometimes. and she's jobhunting. that's not a good mix and as a society, i don't think we have a good handle on what to do with all this access and information. i don't really think less of her for posting the things she does, but on the other hand, i also wouldn't be surprised if the person interviewing her for any position dealing with customers, for example, thought, "hmmm, this person sure says ** a lot. and hey, there's a pic of her waving a dildo around. i don't think i want them serving coffee/selling watches/whatever."
i have no clue how to help my kids prepare for that without turning into a total nazi about their online lives. so i'm not without empathy for the kids in that article. frankly, feel sorriest for the one at the end who quotes his mom. way to go mrs miller.
As long as people here are aware that the majority of people who did not vote for Obama are not like this, then I think it is fair to demonize these ass hats.
I know there are bad apples out there- but there are bad apples in every organization. Herman Cain was visiting a nearby city so I went (also for an excuse to go to one of my fav restaurants ha) and do you know how many people were yelling racial slurs and things like "Uncle Tom" just because of his political affiliation too?
People disappoint me. I will do my best to teach my daughter to not hate and hopefully a few generations down the road it won't exist. But we are not yet far enough removed from the segregated society our grandparents lived in to expect it to be gone. I don't think our children will see it in their lifetime either.