November 2012 Moms


This is in response to my thread about growth spurts, I just didn't know if you'd go back and find it, so I hope this is okay.

I actually have been pumping on occasion. Usually it's when I can't get him to latch, I'll pump and let him have that (or whatever I've got stored, since sometimes I can get him to just eat an ounce or so and calm down and then he will latch). Also, last night I gave him pumped milk at night because I've noticed that by the time I wake up to his cues, he's too frustrated and won't latch anyway and this really seemed so much easier, or at least it did last night. One of the feedings last night, after I fed him the bottle and he went back to sleep, I pumped. (First time I actually took advantage of the "double" in my pump... it was nice).

Annnnnywayyyyy, can you explain how EPing works? I've always understood that only pumping doesn't provide the stimulation your body needs to produce milk, that you also still need the nipple stimulation. How are you getting that aspect (if I may) or is that false or what?

To reiterate, I nurse Cu for most of his feedings (and I didn't mean for my post to come off as me whining about nursing again. We are totally doing so much better, I was just curious about it since he's eaten every hour to hour and a half today since 9am) and then a couple times right after a feeding, I will pump both sides or if he just ate on one side, I'll pump the other, to store that milk/use at night. But I always try to get him to latch first: half because I really think it's so much more convenient to just snuggle him up and get him to latch than to have to get out of bed and make a bottle and half because I still want that stimulation to keep my milk supply up.

Thankkkk youuuuu ma'ammmm.

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Re: ::::::::Milesc:::::::

  • Of course this is ok!! Smile I honestly probably won't have gone back and looked at the other post anyways...

    Ok, I'll tell you whats worked for me- but Im not sure if its 'right' or how it exactly works to be honest. I pump whenever I feel let down, or soon after. In the beginning its kind of tricky to start because you need to create that first bottle, in addition to feeding him- so I did exactly what you did- feed on one side only, pumping the other. Then you have your first bottle. Next feeding, I would pump either right before feeding LO the bottle, or right afterwards- just depends on what easiest for you at the time... Miles takes pretty regular naps, so I just time it- and try pumping before he wakes. If he's up, (or if DDs needs mess this up-) I just pump right afterwards. If he's asleep, I'll put him in his chair/swing and pump. If he's awake- I'll either lie him on a blanket on the floor to stretch/roll about, or do tummy time then.

    I have a Freestyle- having a handsfree pump (for me) has been huge. I try pumping as Im putting clothes away, reading a book to DD, doing dishes- ect. I have never had an issue pumping without nipple stimulation. The pump I use goes through a cycle in the beginning to promote let-down, then changes the length of the draw... (Im not sure, do most pumps do this?) Anyways, between that cycle in the beginning, and timing it when I feel let down (or just timing in general- if its just been 3hrs since I last pumped) I've never had a problem. 

    I know alot of people think that EPing is more work (and in ways I can see that- not only do you have to take time to pump, but you also have to clean pumps/bottles, and feed LO) but for me, I think it works out best. I like being able to hand him off to someone to feed so I can spend some quality time with DD. I like having a little freedom to leave him with someone if I have to at a last minutes notice. I have NO idea how I'd be able to BF in public if I had DD with me as well, and nursing seems to take so long. I had to start pumping early on with DD (I work for a photographer and it was wedding season) and I just got use to it. I decided this time around to jump the gun, and pump to build up a stash and I just find it easier to bottle feed with a toddler around. I found it much more convenient with my lifestyle- I actually pump and drive a lot Smile 

    So I basically just babbled a lot, deleted some, and babbled some more- haha. I hope you got something out of that... feel free to ask anything, anytime and I'd be more than happy to help.  And in NO WAY did I think you were whining about nursing- its not easy! Hang in there... You'll find out what works best for you and Cu! Sometimes it just takes a little time ::insert puffy heart::

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  • I forgot about the letdown cycle on the pump!  That's a big help.  Your body will learn to let down for the pump.  IMO, the key is just consistency in pumping.

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  • I have heard alot of women say that when they are breastfeeding their other one will leak way bad.. Does this always happen? How do you get it to stop? And do you just pump that one right after your done feeding the baby? Sorry I have lots of questions as well. Confused
    Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageAshleeT92:
    I have heard alot of women say that when they are breastfeeding their other one will leak way bad.. Does this always happen? How do you get it to stop? And do you just pump that one right after your done feeding the baby? Sorry I have lots of questions as well. Confused

    Ask away, my dear.  Typically when you breastfeed, you feed on one side and then the other.  I am not a big "leaker", but some women are.  I would drip a little and you can't really do anything about it.  I just kept that side of my bra up with a boobie pad in.  If you leak really bad like my SIL, she would put the horn of her pump up to her boob without turning it on and just let it leak into the bottle.

    If you have oversupply, you can feed on one side and pump on the other with each feeding.  To help buil my supply, I would feed and then pump.  At first you may only get drops, but with a couple runs of the letdown cycle, it will build.

  • imageAshleeT92:
    I have heard alot of women say that when they are breastfeeding their other one will leak way bad.. Does this always happen? How do you get it to stop? And do you just pump that one right after your done feeding the baby? Sorry I have lots of questions as well. Confused


    Seriously, I soak though so many breast pads- its not even funny. I could never use the washable pads (tried those with DD) I leak straight through them, and a soggy bra isn't my style Wink. Now let me say this, I am not the biggest girl in the world. My bra size while nursing is a full B, mayyyybe a C. I have a friend who is much larger in that department, and looked at me like I was nuts when I asked if she leaked alot too. So Im not sure, maybe I just don't have the storage room that larger women may have? Haha... Anyways, Yes I leak whenever I have letdown (for this reason, I always pump before I shower as well! Warm water will trigger letdown) 

    If I BF- then yes, I pump the other side. Some women are able to BF from both sides- DS just doesn't seem interested, he's a once side kinda guy. I try to pump the other side while nursing, but you can wait and do it afterwards as well. I tend to notice if I wait to pump until after my letdown, I don't pump as much (-because I just leaked a ton) and most of what I do pump is hindmilk. If you pump you'll notice the first bit of milk that comes out will be kinda watery looking (called foremilk. Think of it like skim milk-) after a bit, it will change and become more dense looking, like cream (called hindmilk. Think whole milk). Your hindmilk is the real fatty stuff, and if you refrigerate what you pump- you'll notice it separates (totally normal). You'll see the foremilk on the bottom, and your hindmilk on top with a layer of fat floating on the surface.

    I forgot about the letdown cycle on the pump!  That's a big help.  Your body will learn to let down for the pump.  IMO, the key is just consistency in pumping.

    Yes Agreed! 

    Those who don't believe in love at first sight, have never given birth
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  • Thank goodness for this post. I am just reading up on breastfeeding and am a little lost at the moment (and I need to get going because he will be here before I know it!!), but all this has helped. :)


  • I have to be a butter-inner (that sounds gross) too. Z hasn't ever been interested in BFing so far, so I'm exclusively pumping until he DOES (fingers crossed) and this post gave me some good info. Thanks, ladies. :)
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