Late Term and Child Loss

Struggling with new niece

So my niece was born almost 2 weeks ago and I am really struggling with it. DH sent me a text the other day that said, "want to take DD to meet her new cousin?" I was so mad that he would even suggest that I wanted to be around a baby. The fact that they are going to be at Thanksgiving is going to be hard enough. I feel like everyone is trying to push me into being okay with this baby. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy that they have a new baby, but the holidays were going to be hard enough. Not only am a missing my Annabelle, but another baby is going to be present. Sigh.

Thanks for listening!

BFP #1 12.24.07 - DD born @ 39w1d on 08.26.08
BFP #2 08.04.11 - DD born still @ 37w3d on 03.25.12

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


TTC #3 since May 2012

BFP #3 12.29.12 - CP @ 4w2d on 01.02.13
BFP #4 10.17.13 - CP @ 4w2d on 10.23.13

BFP #5 04.06.14 - MMC 05.07.14

No longer trying to conceive.

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Re: Struggling with new niece

  • Completely understand. My niece just had her third. Luckily she does not live near me but my Facebook has been loaded with photos and comments from my family. 

    The day the Bump died - Jasper is wise
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  • I'm so sorry you going through this.  Sometimes I really don't understand how others expect us to be ok in certain situations, especially ones involving babies.  The holidays are going to be very hard.  My MIL sounded so sad when I told her DH and I would be spending Thanksgiving at home this year.  It's almost like people are trying to push "happy" things on us to make up for all the sadness.  Well, it doesn't really work that way.

    We know you love your new niece and are happy for their family.  But it is so hard.  


    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

    BFP #1 Jan. 2011 - mmc Mar. 2011 
    BFP #2 Aug. 2011 - My sleeping angel Stella, born April 21, 2012 
    BFP #3 Nov. 2012 - mmc Dec. 2012
    BFP #4 April 2013 - mc May 2013
    BFP #5 Sept. 2013 - EDD 5.24.14
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  • I'm so sorry you're going through this, too. H's cousin - who is like a brother to him - just found out his wife is pregnant with their third. H told me the other day, and I just broke down crying...then I got upset when he suggested we go visit them during the holidays. She'll still be in her first trimester at that point and not really showing, but I'm just not ready for that.

    I'm struggling to be there for my best friend, too. She's due with her first - and my godson - around Christmas, and I just haven't been there for her since my loss. I feel so bad, and I know she gets why I've pulled away, but it just sucks.


    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks ladies. I sometimes feel all alone in my grief and then come here and am reminded that you all understand. 

    BFP #1 12.24.07 - DD born @ 39w1d on 08.26.08
    BFP #2 08.04.11 - DD born still @ 37w3d on 03.25.12

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


    TTC #3 since May 2012

    BFP #3 12.29.12 - CP @ 4w2d on 01.02.13
    BFP #4 10.17.13 - CP @ 4w2d on 10.23.13

    BFP #5 04.06.14 - MMC 05.07.14

    No longer trying to conceive.

    image     image

  • Sorry you're getting a newborn shoved in your face. It's not easy. Hopefully with baby steps over time (and on your own schedule), you'll feel better about the situation. My neighbor's due date was one week after mine. My son was stillborn at 37 weeks and just over one week later, I drove by and saw my neighbor sitting outside with a baby. I almost threw up. All those questions came in a flurry - how come my baby didn't come home? What did I do to deserve this? I still haven't been able to see their baby. I only stop to talk to them when she's not outside. I'm probably a terrible person for saying this, but when I saw a "For Sale" sign in their front yard, I was so relieved. I know I will have to deal with newborns someday, but today is not the day. Hope everyone learns to respect your wishes.
    Our little boy, born sleeping at 37 weeks. Always loved, always remembered. Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Our sunshine on a cloudy day. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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