
adoption books

hi i'm trying to look for some good books on adoption that talks about especially what its like after.
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Re: adoption books

  • I would absolutely recommend "Because I Loved You" by Patricia Dischler.  Patricia placed her baby for adoption in the mid-80s, and the book is a memoir of what it was like for her during pregnancy and after the adoption.  She now has an open adoption with her (adult) son and his family.  It is a really good book.

    You could also check out "Dear Birthmother" - it has excerpts from letters written by adoptive parents, adoptees, and birthmothers to the other members in their adoption triad, and has a lot of good information about how open adoption got started, etc.

  • Secret Thoughts of an Adoptive Mother

    A Love Like No Other

    The Open Adoption Book by Bruce Rappaport


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