Nurseries and Baby Gear

So Amazon IS or ISN'T a licensed Ergo seller?

They have them for $85 sold by Think Fast Toys but fulfilled by Amazon. Are these legit? This is a good price if it is, and I'm looking for one as a gift, but definitely don't want to gift a fake one!
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Re: So Amazon IS or ISN'T a licensed Ergo seller?

  • nevermind, I read the lowest reviews and it looks like they are fake! Shame on Amazon, I wonder if there is a way to let them know they are selling fake carriers??
    photo image_zps90e45ea2.jpg
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • This is not the first time I've heard of Amazon sellers selling fake carriers. Be wary, particularly if the price seems too good to be true.

    Started TTC 2/2009
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    Pregnant 12/2018 despite birth control pills
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  • I had a similar question a while back

    and I got the black Ergo Sport for $85. It was through Amazon, but sold by Sparkles Gift and Party Shop (which sounds really sketchy).

    I was nervous but when it came I really scrutinized it and used a few blog posts that had real/fake comparisons. As far as I can tell, we got a real one.

    The final thing I did was google both the merchant and the word Ergo (you can look up official dealers by location, but not by shop name as far as I can tell). Well, a blog post from the actual Ergobaby blog came up, listing a promotion and in it is a long list of participating stores.  Now, my assumption is that these stores are selling real Ergo products (otherwise, Ergo would not be promoting them, right?)  So I felt really good seeing the shop mine came from as well as Mod Parent which was another Amazon vendor that a poster said wasn't authorized to sell.

    So, I am apt to use this as an "ergo dealer list."  Here is the post: 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I just avoided the whole issue and bought through REI. They periodically have good sales.
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    BFP #2 7/18/11 - EDD 3/29/12 - Born 3/13/12
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  • I wouldn't trust it.  
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    Emily 8.8.08
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    William 8.5.12
  • I just wouldn't do it. I'd rather pay a few dollars more for peace of mind and no shadiness.
  • They are not authorized to sell them. I just bought one from Amazon and assumed because Amazon fulfilled it that it was legit. When I got it in the mail, the packaging looked a bit off so I started looking into it. After reading about how many counterfeits there are out there, I returned it (no issues from Amazon, they were great on this part). I then ordered from, who is an authorized retailer, and it's definietly different. I'm disappointed that Amazon allows fakes to be sold on their website, and esp fulfilled by them. I saved about $30, but it was not worth it!
    m/c March 2009 @ 5 weeks ~ m/c June 2009 @ 10 weeks ~ m/c February 2012 @ 4.5 weeks Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Amazon is not licensed to sell them, but I called Ergobaby and she assured me Think Fast Toys is an authorized seller. They currently sell them through their website and also as a seller on Amazon. You do have to be careful that you only buy through reputable merchants on Amazon, they're not all the same!
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