If your friends and family are requesting ideas for your children for Xmas do you give them the full list and let them pick and choose or just suggest 1 or 2 items for each person that asks? I feel like it is rude to tell people they can buy "A or B" for your child but if you just give them the full list how do you prevent 5 different people from buying the same gift. I also want to be sure my DDs get certain items on the list as well so I'm sure we'll be picking some items off the top from us or Santa. I'm so grateful the grandparents and other relatives are asking for suggestions in the first place but I'm not sure the best way to go about this.
Re: Xmas list dilemma
I just tell different things to people. Pretty much just say one thing per person. I don't think it's rude if the person is asking.
I will normally tell them a general thing that he is into, like Spongebob or Spiderman. I also say things like "He has been asking for 'x' and I know I am not going to buy it" .
I make a "master" list and divide it into price points (under $10, $10-$25, etc). H and I choose what we and "Santa" will be getting and then I divide the rest of the items in half and give those two lists to each of our mothers. The aunts and uncles can consult with our moms if they want to buy off the lists. We did it this way last year and it worked really well.
It probably sounds demanding, but our moms ask for the lists and dividing them up that way gives them lots of choices without having to worry so much about duplicate gifts. The things we *really* want him to have, we get ourselves (unless we know one of our families wants to get that item...like last year, my parents gave him a picnic table and H's parents got him a toybox).
I give the same list to my SIL and my Mom and they know to check with each other. I have not given my friends a list but if I did I would give different ideas since they do not talk to the others...if they were good friends to each other I would give them both the same ideas and let them talk. And anything that's a must have I buy myself.