December 2012 Moms

Disposable underwear for after delivery

So I'm really thinking about getting a pack for after birth some don't ruin any panties or have accidents.....   Anybody else 

Re: Disposable underwear for after delivery

  • Ask or take some of the mesh undies they give you post delivery and use them. :) 
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    Blogging about boobs, babies, bed lust & everything in between since 2007.
  • imageNotwifezilla7:
    Ask or take some of the mesh undies they give you post delivery and use them. :) 
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  • you can buy disposable underwear? where?
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  • I'm definitely getting a pack of Depends lol my midwife recommends em.
  • I told DH I was going to start sleeping in them in case my water breaks in bed, haha.

    But, I'm not buying any post delivery. I'll just wear my maternity undies, since I don't plan on using them again. 

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  • I have some crunchy pairs that I'll just toss after I'm done bleeding. Then I'll buy myself some much-needed new underwear!!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I bought a few cheap packs of Hanes Undies (the granny panty addition!) in one size up from what I would wear pre-pg. They were great in holding all the pads/icepacks/tucks and I didn't care about taking care of them since they were so cheap and I only wore them until the bleeding stopped.....then I tossed them! 

    I hated the mesh panties with a burning passion!!! So thankful I tossed a few pairs of my cheap grannies in my hospital bag! I already bought 2 new packs the other day at Target when they were on sale so I am good to go.
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  • duh! wow I feel stupid! pregnant brain I guess lol
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  • Big Ol granny panties are probably going in my cart today when I go to the store!

    Not worried about disposables right now but all I can think about are comfy underpants!

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  • The hospital will give you some, that was enough to get me through the time I really needed them, although I believe you can also buy them at medical supply stores and well stocked pharmacies! 
    Jude Wayne - Born 4/23/10 Violet Patricia - Born 12/5/12 Breastfeeding, baby-wearing work-at-home mom of 2 living in Rockville, MD
  • They will give you tons of mesh undies at the hospital! I really only needed to wear them for a few days because my bleeding was pretty minimal, but I continued for a little over a week anyways.
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  • I'm a VS girl, so I will not wear those. I went to Target and bought a package of the biggest granny panties for postpartum. I'm gonna be so sexy.


    I bled a ton ad for weeks. I just stopped when I had my 6w appointment. I didn't have enough mesh undies, plus regular ones were more comfortable and less sickly feeling.

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  • All of you relaying on the mesh panties  my friends an labor nurse and hospitals are now rationing the mesh panties to 3 per patient ...   At least in s fla 
  • I just bought a 8 pack from Walmart to toss.
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  • I wore the mesh ones from the hospital for the few 4 or 5 days until my bleeding was under control (it was super heavy those first few days).  Then I wore some cheap granny panties (Haynes I think) for the rest of the time (I stopped bleeding at about 10 days)  I still have the underwear, so I'll try to get some mesh ones again just reuse the regular ones since I haven't touched them since last time.
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  • imageStarlitRN:
    I bought a few cheap packs of Hanes Undies (the granny panty addition!) in one size up from what I would wear pre-pg. They were great in holding all the pads/icepacks/tucks and I didn't care about taking care of them since they were so cheap and I only wore them until the bleeding stopped.....then I tossed them! 

    I hated the mesh panties with a burning passion!!! So thankful I tossed a few pairs of my cheap grannies in my hospital bag! I already bought 2 new packs the other day at Target when they were on sale so I am good to go.

    This is exactly what I did as well. 

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  • I used depends for a week after the birth of my son. So much easier than pads with mesh undies. 
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    Labor Buddy to Blowfish11
  • imageStarlitRN:
    I bought a few cheap packs of Hanes Undies (the granny panty addition!) in one size up from what I would wear pre-pg. They were great in holding all the pads/icepacks/tucks and I didn't care about taking care of them since they were so cheap and I only wore them until the bleeding stopped.....then I tossed them! 

    I hated the mesh panties with a burning passion!!! So thankful I tossed a few pairs of my cheap grannies in my hospital bag! I already bought 2 new packs the other day at Target when they were on sale so I am good to go.

    Ditto the bold! I was so happy someone told me to do this! I could wear "normal" undies but I could've cared less if I bled on them!

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  • I've never worn them, but the feel of the mesh undies just on my fingers makes my skin crawl. I plan on taking my rattiest comfy undies and just throwing them out after. I need new ones anyway :
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  • RE: the mesh panties.  I was wearing them in the hospital after my c/s (you still bleed with a c/s- WTH??) and had to pee rather urgently.  I pulled down my drawers and ripped a staple out.

    I swear that was worse than the actual c/s.  I'm wearing old granny panties, TYVM.

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  • I just bought two six packs of super-cheap hanes granny panties and you can toss them when the bleeding stops...
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