This is my second attempt at cloth diapering. My LO is now 10lbs 12oz so I think I will have more success with my grovia ai2's then a few weeks ago. My diapers are prepped and ready to go. I purchase a lot of snap closure diapers and some velcro. My concern right now is that the cloth diaper is too tight. (Which I think should be impossible because they start fitting at 10lbs). However when I change LO he has lines from the diaper on his legs and belly (sometimes even snap closure marks). Also my baby is very sensitive to a wet diaper. Usually when he first wakes up I end up changing him 3 times in the first hour (when he wakes , in the middle of the first feed and at the end). He will not continue feeding or stop screaming until he is changed and this is in a disposable. I spent a lot of money on my stash and DH and I will not willing to purchase any more products. My plan for this week is to have LO in cloth diapers when he is awake (not during naps or sleeps).
Do you think cloth diapering will be very difficult due to my LOs sensitivity to wet diapers?
Do you think the diapers can be too tight?
I feel like I am really on the fence with CDing. I don't want to waste my money...but I really don't want to have a rough time and possibly stain my stash or use them a lot and then sell (versus selling right now when they have only been used twice)
Re: Second attempt at cloth diapering Grovia questions
I'm not familiar with GroVia but can you put the snaps on a wider setting?
Some babies act completely different with cloth diapers than disposables. Some diapers have stay-dry on this inside that wicks away the moisture from their skin. It looks like GroVia has stay-dry inserts you can get.
I don't know how much your stash costs but chances are it's still much cheaper than using disposables, especially if you are going through that many disposables.
If it was me, I would cloth diaper for a day and see how it goes.
Play around with the rise and snaps, but I think red marks are inevitable with elastic leg holes. Your jeans probably give you a red mark but you don"t notice. They don't always mean pain. If you press on the mark it should go white, and should fade 30 mins after taking the diaper off. If it stays really red, then, yes, it's too tight.
For wetness issues, did you buy stay-dry inserts? I just use fleece liners, but my LO grew out of wetness sensitivity after the NB stage.
The issues with his sensitivity could be an allergy to what you are laundering his diapers in. Have you tried a different detergent for his diapers?
ETA: and by "sensitivity" I mean the sensitivity to wetness. As for the red marks, I'm a mommy-to-be so I have no clue there...
The red marks are fine as long as they go away after a while and don't become open sores. They are similar to sock lines or marks from your waistbands. It can help to alternate between two different types/brands of diapers throughout the day.
Try lining your diapers with fleece. This should help with the wetness issues. It's super common for NBs to be more sensitive to wetness. This should get better as your LO gets older. However, it's also one of the perks to CDing. Feeling wetness helps kiddos PT sooner.