hi ladies! i have question about reasons for a c section. so i've heard of women getting them because their doc says the baby is very large, or has a large head, etc. but what exactly constitutes "too" large to be birthed vaginally?
the reason i ask is because both my fiance and i have big heads (its funny but totally true!) so it was no surprise when we learned that LO had a big noggin, too. Also not a surprise when we found out that she was large even for measuring a week ahead. well, my dr said that while growth can "even out" between now and my due date (which is still a ways away), i should go head and get used to the idea of there being a possibility they would want to do a c section if she continues to grow at the rate and in the proportion she is now.
also, i tested positive for gbs very early because it caused a severe uti, and was told i had a very severe colonization and was in a high risk catagory because of this. in passing, my dr said that there have been occasions where they chose to do a c section because vaginal colonization of the gbs bacteria was just so consistantly high through out pregnancy (even with taking oral antibiotics) that it was more risky to take the chance of a vaginal birth even with taking iv antibiotics during labor. this sounds like a bit much to me, but hey, im no doctor.
do these sound like legit reasons to have a c section? no one has said yet that i will have to have one for sure but it feels like everytime i have an appt they are trying to ease me into the idea so if and when they should decide a c section is best i wont freak out. if you made it though that whole post, i appreciate it! all input is greatly appreciated!
Re: legit reasons for a c section?
I had a scheduled c-section 6 weeks ago for different reasons then you are being given. My advice would be to write down any questions and make sure you have them answered and understand the reasons before you make a decision. There are many reasons to have a c-section. If he doctor is suggesting it then it may be a good choice for you. My c-section saved me from a potentially traumatic situation. If you need it, don't fret over it. It really doesn't hurt and can be a wonderful experience
Make sure you are comfortable with your Dr and the decisions. That is important!
My OB waited until after I had a growth ultrasound at 38w5d before she suggested a c-section. The ultrasound estimated LO's weight to be 9 lb 15 oz. (He had been measuring 2-4 weeks ahead since 12 weeks.) She wasn't as concerned about the overall weight at that point, but DS's abdomen measured bigger than his head. She was concerned that I would deliver LO's head and have trouble delivering the rest of his body. She was willing to let me wait to see if I went into labor on my own but also stressed that the longer it took for me to go into labor, the bigger he would grow. According to my OB, I was the first patient she encouraged to have a c-section due to the baby being big.
DS was born via c-section at 39w2d. He weighed 10 lb 6 oz and was 22" long. It didn't look like his abdomen was bigger than his head, so the measurement might have been off based on his position.
Only you and your doctor can make the decision if these are reasons to move forward with a C section.
I personally would not jump right to a c section just due to a large baby. You don't know if you can deliver the baby unless you try. Just because a baby is estimated to be larger, doesn't mean the baby will not fit.
DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d
DS had a really big head, but no one ever suggested a c-section. Of course, I was seeing a team of midwives, and didn't have extra ultrasounds, so I think his size was unexpected.
My labor arrested at 8cm - he was just stuck there and not moving down anymore. I don't think he even fully descended, and I don't have particularly small hips or anything. It was incredibly stressful, and I fought them as hard as I could to avoid a c-section. There was just no way he was going to come out. I never got a clear answer as to whether it was the size of his head, or his position (which was not ideal). He was 8lb 12oz.
You can never really know how things are going to go. I've read about plenty of women who gave birth vaginally to large babies.
I don't know about the GBS+, though - I was GBS+, but just had the IV antibiotics during labor. That didn't factor into my c-section.
Edited - typos
My c/s baby was over 10 lbs with an enormous head (off the charts and then some) but his size was not the reason for the c/s. The doctors felt I would have definitely been able to birth him had other circumstances not come up.
I don't think there is a black and white list of "legit" vs "non-legit" reasons to have a c/s. For me, size would not be a legit reason. But for someone else, it might be. Generally, doctors don't call a c/s just for size only because the ultrasounds after 20 weeks can't accurately measure size. But each person/doctor is different. Definitely ask your questions at your appt!
Also, I have NEVER heard of a c/s due to GBS. I am questioning your doctor.
In all honesty, I would find a new doctor. Telling you your baby is going to be too big at 22 weeks is alarmist, and I've never heard of the "too much GBS" as a reason for a c/s. My SIL has high colonization levels, and has had two vaginal births with no problems with her OBs.
Do you want to at least attempt a vaginal birth? Because if so, I would at least interview other providers and see what they say in terms of giving birth.
FWIW, I had a VBAC with a baby who was just over 10.5 lbs, and 23+ inches - he was significantly larger than his brother, who ended up as a c/s after hours and hours of pushing. Big baby doesn't necessarily meant they'll get stuck!
ETA: If you're not currently on antibiotics, I would take a lot of probiotics, and eat yogurt/fermented foods to see if that helps with your colonization at all.
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
thanks for all the input ladies! my dr didn't tell me that based on her size at the moment we would have to do a c section, just that if she continued to be so big for her gestational age it would be something to consider. and the gbs thing did seem a bit off, but like i said before she didnt tell me that it meant i was going to have a section. i kind of feel like she threw it out there because despite taking a lot of antibiotics since finding out about the colonization the numbers really havent budged.
all your comments are very helpful and def give me a lot to think about and bring up to my dr! i don't want a c section
True CPD is very rare- I've read that true CPD is only caused by things like rickets, severe accidents that crush the pelvis, birth defects, and the like. Many women, including some on this board, are diagnosed with CPD and go on to birth larger babies through that same pelvis, proving that the original diagnosis was incorrect. Proper positioning, both of baby and mother (allowing the mother to labour and birth in positions other than on her back) can make a big difference in whether or not a baby fits through that pelvis. So I would say no, "big baby" isn't a legitimate reason for a c-section, or at least, is not a legitimate reason for needing a scheduled c-section. If it becomes apparent in labour that the baby is not fitting, that's different than scheduling in advance because of the possibility that the baby might not fit.
The GBS thing sounds ridiculous.
Honestly, if having a vaginal birth is important to you, I think I'd switch providers. As you said, they are trying to "ease" you into the idea of a c-section, which would be a red flag to me.
My son measured 12lb 13oz at almost 39 weeks, and that was too big for my doctor. I was seeing midwives at the time, they refered me to an OB and we made the decision for a csection after hearing all the risks.
E was 11lb 4oz at birth, with off the chart head circumference and a chest that was bigger than his head. Everyone who saw him said there was no way he would have come vaginally, he probably would have gotten stuck, which means we would have been in an emergency c section situation. Even almost a yr out I still sometimes question if we made the right choice. You need to have a discussion with you doctor if it comes to it, and trust in the person you selected to be in charge of your care.
I have never understood the huge deal about trying for a vaginal birth, so to me, the doctor suggesting it is legit reason enough. I would always rather be safe than sorry.
I had to have an emergency c-section (I never went into labor) because the cord was over the top of DS' head and as he bore down to try and get in the "locked and loaded" position, he compressed the cord and his heart beat went wayyy down. I was at a NST because I was having trouble feeling movement (I also had anterior placenta). Even if I had gone into labor naturally, it would've ended in emergency c-section and possibly have had worse consequences for DS.
I was induced because he was estimated to be large. Both my dr and I felt the growth scans were pretty accurate since my first was 8 lbs 3 oz at 39 weeks. She said as soon as I showed signs of being favorable for induction, she wanted to schedule one. At my 38 week appt, I was 1 cm dilated and partially effaced so we scheduled it for the following week. She likes to have you try to push the baby out even if they think it's going to be big instead of just saying let's just schedule a c-section.
I wound up needing a c-section anyway since he had cord issues and went into distress when I tried to push. I would have gotten him out...I only got to push a few times and had just gotten the hang of it when his heartrate dropped too much. He was only 2 oz more than my older son so I could have done it!
thanks again for all the responses! ive been thinking about it a lot. the dr's office i go to rotates ob's and midwife like a lot of other practices and who will deliver my baby will depend on who's on call. for that reason, i have seen some ob's more than once but i do rotate.
ive noticed that it's when i see one woman in particular that i seem to have the problems with c sections being brought up. she also has a very bad bedside manner/ disposition. i love everyone else though! i am terrified of going into labor when she is on call, so im wondering if my office would oppose me going with ANYONE else available (even if they are just on call for the hospital in general, not necessarily my office in particular) if i do have the misfortune of going into labor during her time on call. im bringing it up at my next appointment, but does this sound unreasonable? i would hate to change practices all together when i love everyone else and am already more than halfway done with my pregnancy.