We have really, really hard water and I keep switching up our routine to no avail. We're using exclusively cotton fitteds at this point and they just stink, not like ammonia, just stinky. They smell fine coming out of the dryer. I bought RnG Hard Rock in hopes of a better detergent remedying the problem, but so far, no luck. What are your wash routines if you have very hard water?
ETA: Our current wash routine is a cold rinse, then a hot wash/cold rinse with two tablespoons of RnG. I've tried adding detergent to the first rinse and I've also tried a second cold rinse. All of our diapers were recently stripped with Calgon.
Re: Hard water wash routines?
You can also use a capful of calgon to help soften the water.
Every few months I'll use RLR to strip the mineral buildup out. I take the clean diapers and just fill the bathtub with hot water and a packet of RLR and let everything soak overnight I swish it around here and there and then do a few water only washes in the washing machine.
I'm using 2 tablespoons of RnG, and the idea of using three or four makes me cringe. Should I resign myself to spending boat loads on the amount of detergent I'm going to need to keep my diapers clean? Calgon isn't cheap, either
Thanks for the tip about the RLR!
Before we switched from RnG HR we were using 3 tbsp and still getting funk issues. I refused to use 4tbsp with every load so I switched.
Our routine is:
warm express wash
hot wash with two tbsp of tiny bubbles, extra rinse
once a month I add 1/4 cup of calgon to the hot wash
We only do a warm express wash because we now wash every second day, and we have stinky toddler pee. If I was washing EOD I would still be doing a cold rinse to start.
Diagnosed with PCOS March '10 - Started 1000mg of Metformin

After 3 unsuccessful Clomid cycles, FSH+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP!
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I use Calgon in every load too. Do you think that the powder lasts longer?
We moved to a hard water area about 2 months ago and had some funk issues the first couple of weeks. Here's the routine that seems to be working for us:
Warm Pre-wash with Calgon
Hot wash with Calgon and 1/2 scoop Tiny Bubbles (it's a small machine), extra rinse
With very hard water, the normal amount of detergent acts as a softener, so then there's no detergent left to clean the diapers. So you need to use more and a softener (you can use Borax instead of Calgon). Tide is generally foolproof for very hard water.
Also, use a warm prerinse to make sure all the oils are dissolving out of the diapers.
We have pretty hard water, too. We also had stink issues - kinda like a barn yard or something. I switched things up and here's what seems to be working:
- warm prewash (not cold, that seemed to not work as well)
- hot regular wash with cold rinse
- second cold rinse
- If it's sunny, they get dried in the sun.
We use Rockin Green Hard Rock, but use between 2 and 3 tbsp depending on how big the load is. When I first switched to RNG I did the soak mentioned on the back of the package with all of our diapers. This seemed to give us a clean slate.
I sometimes add some baking soda in the wash cycle or vinegar to the rinse cycle (I use a downy ball so I don't forget).
You might want to switch to a warm prewash/rinse and add more detergent. This article was helpful in understanding diaper washing issues and made a lot of sense to me: https://wazoodle.com/index.php/diapermaking/cat/diapermaking-care/post/101-washing-diapers/