I know we like to do a post about our LO's and how cute they are....things they say or do.
Do you we like a weekly post or no?
Munchkin Monday? or Too Cute Tuesday? or none at all, go away EVA?
If you like it, share a story.
My story: DD said "Moo"...I am so frickin proud. I know most of you know that she has SPD and has been in speech therapy for a while. She says it very exaggerated because that is how we teach her...it is so stinkin cute.
Re: Munchkin Monday?
So cute!
Took J to the pedi this morning (thought he had an ear infection). They wanted his shoes off, so he was running around in his socks. At one point he sat down, and pulled off his right sock. I put it back on, he took it back off and continued running around the room. He refused to wear a right sock lol. Never touched the left one.
That is too cute that she helped her little sister. I feel ya on the sick thing. DD has croup for the second time this year.
Cute moo story!
This is probably common but not something I expected. Anytime Leo cries, James will stop what he is doing and say "oh no, Leo" and run over to him. He will pat his head and say "it ok Leo" and find a paci to stuff in his mouth.
When my son started doing this for DS2 I got choked up. It is so sweet to see them together. Sometimes at daycare at the end of the day, DS1 will end up in the infant room hanging out with his little brother.
My munchkins: We had steak last night and DS1 ate some, then asked for more snake.
We broke out the highchair for DS2. He is growing way too fast for me.
Cute stories!!
Mine: Now that we are finger walking DD all over the house, she is getting so much better at walking. Lately, she tries to run on her tippy toes whenever she sees the dog. She will squeal excitedly, shoot up to her toes, and try to speed walk to him and then away from him. It's their new favorite game and it cracks me up every time.
Ezra's newest thing is singing at nap/bedtime. I hear him all the time singing "Daaaddddyyy...daddy daaadddYYYY...iron man...daddyyy..."
He is the best.
I know it's not Monday anymore but I want to share, so.... Too bad. LO has a cold right now and my h taught her how to say Booger. So now she'll sneeze and run up to me pointing at her nose yelling "BOOGA!!". So proud.