We have the Motorola video monitor. It's great! Having video is a blessing a curse tho. Every sound they make, I look at it. I think if it were sound only, I would be more likely to wait longer before going into their room I.e. to see if they would put themselves back to sleep on their own first.
ETA: I also feel like I would be less neurotic about other things like them sleeping too close together they share a crib for now, being too close to crib bumper, etc if I didn't have the video monitor. I am constantly going into their room to move them farther apart maybe I wouldn't do this without video...
We have the cheapest audio only monitor BRU sold. My only problem is that one on/off button broke and we had to hold out down with tape. I might spend a little more on a better audio monitor.
I knew I would drive myself crazy with the video, but there are times I think it would be helpful. But if I had it to do over I think I would still go with an audio only.
Saving money while raising more kids than you bargained for!
We have a Fisher Price Sounds and Light. It was pretty inexpensive, less than 20 bucks, I think. We had the same one for DD1, just the older model. It worked for more than 2 years until DD broke antena. Our new one works perfectly and we've been using it since day one.
We have just a basic Safety First audio only monitor. We got a video one with DS1 and honestly, I didn't like it. I'm the crazy neurotic mom who has to put my hands on them and feel them breathing, video just doesn't do it for me. It's too much of a tease. Audio works better for me cuz it allows me to hear them and know when I need to go in. Otherwise I would be looking at the screen and if I didn't see them moving I'd have to go in anyway, hahaha.
Re: Let's Talk Monitors
ETA: I also feel like I would be less neurotic about other things like them sleeping too close together they share a crib for now, being too close to crib bumper, etc if I didn't have the video monitor. I am constantly going into their room to move them farther apart maybe I wouldn't do this without video...
I knew I would drive myself crazy with the video, but there are times I think it would be helpful. But if I had it to do over I think I would still go with an audio only.