Hi. I am posting for my best friend! She is almost 13 weeks pregnant with twins after IVF. She had an appt with the RE on Friday and it wasn't the one she usually sees. He ended up doing an internal cervical exam, which I was shocked to hear about. She has been spotting now since Friday night and is understandably freaked out. Is this normal with twins, or what the heck was he doing? She had a normal exam/pap smear earlier in the week with her regular OB and a 12 week screening (NT) ultrasound on Thursday that was normal as well.
Re: Anyone have an internal cervical check at 12 weeks?
I had one at 11 weeks and one at 13 weeks. At 11 weeks it was 3 cm and at 13 weeks it was down to 2.8. I had to get a cerclage put in because my cervix was already funneling.
Not sure if you can see my ticker but I'm pregnant with triplets.
12 weeks I had my consult with my mfm/re doc and The nt scan and I may have had an internal cervix check, I don't remember. Spotting after is completely normal.