I'm just thinking about Christmas gifts and was wondering if a Wii U would be a good idea for a 4.5 year old. When I was 5 I had a Super Nintendo and could play it easily. My son has never played a gaming system before and I know nothing about Wii's but I hear they're for any age?
Re: Wii U for 4.5 year old?
never even heard of the Wii u. Tim tried the wii when he was 2 but I think that was too young we haven't tried it since. Have you tried the preschool boards?
Tim however, can work my Iphone better than me and he can use the mobigo too
I don't know too much about the Wii U but I did see it in Best Buy yesterday. Do you think his hands are big enough to hold the device and be able to push the buttons?
Do you have a Wii already? I'd think the smaller controllers for the regular Wii would be much easier for him to use and a new Wii right now would only run you $130.
We have a Wii, PS3 and an XBox. We have our Wii in our basement living room right now and the toddlers don't really go down there that much. We're going to bring the Wii upstairs and hook it up because we think DD1 would like to play the bowling and baseball games.
She really likes the dance games for the PS3, so we bought her Just Dance Disney for the Wii yesterday when it was on sale for $20. We think she'll really enjoy dancing and singing to those songs because she knows them.
we have a PS3 but I only have games like resident evil, not really children friendly. Lol.
We have the PS3 move for it but it sucks compared to the Wii. I have to do more research about the Wii U but I think you can get normal controllers for it. I like the idea of Mario Kart and Mario Brothers etc for younger kids. It seems the Wii has more options for younger kids than the PS3 does?
Opposite story here. My niece started trying to play our Wii (resort, sports, fit) when she was 3 and even now (6) she gets so frustrated trying to use the controller that she has an epic meltdown every time.
House / Baby blog
hmmmmm, good to know. I'm definitely going to show him the system first at Best Buy or something. See if he can understand it.
I think he'd catch on pretty quick to it. I love the old school Mario games!