Hello everyone! I just recently found out we're expecting baby #2. Very excited!
Currently, we bedshare with our almost 3 year old son. He has bedshared since 9 months old. While I'm thinking it be best to transition him to his own room once the new baby arrives, I just don't know if it will happen. He has always had trouble falling asleep, and is VERY attached to me, especially at nighttime. He will look for me in his sleep.
My question is, do any of you bedshare with 2 kids? I'd love to do it, but I'm concerned about the night wakings with a newborn, and how it would effect my son if he was in bed with us.
I plan on trying out the rock n play with the baby, and hoping that will work, but we'll see!
Re: Bedsharing with 2 babies?
No experience here yet, but I have thought about this before, wondering if DS will actually be out of our bed when we have #2...
Our bed is big enough that I feel safe with DS between me and DH (at DS' current age/size), so I might feel comfortable putting DS in the middle and the new baby on the outside. However, we will probably do one of two things come LO2:
1. Get an arms reach co-sleeper or sidecar a crib for LO.
2. Put a floor mattress next to our bed for DS and have him at least start the night there, and put LO2 in our bed.
Not sure what we'll do yet, but these are just some ideas I've had. Great question!
I would never sleep so that a newborn and a big kid are beside each other, but having newborn on one side and big kid on the other would be fine safety wise. When Eleanor was a newborn, Callum was actually sleeping fine in his bed. He's in a bit of a sleep regression currently and I often sleep with both of them.
If I were you, I'd start trying a transition now, before baby comes - you don't want him to associate it with baby. It doesn't have to be all or nothing either; he could start nights in his bed and maybe come sleep with you when/if he wakes. You could also try a mattress on the floor in your room for him.
Congrats on #2 on the way!
Breastfeeding Counselor with Breastfeeding USA
Babywearing Guide ** Newborn Carriers
Cloth Diaper Guide
Safe Bed Sharing Info
DS1 starts in his room on a floor bed, then comes in with us at his first night-waking when we are in bed. He sleeps between DH and I. DS2 sleeps in the crib side-car next to me/on our bed next to me. I think the sidecar gives us that bit of extra space we need to fit everyone in. Plus, I sometimes lay an arm or leg in it myself to some more room.
I never let the boys be in bed together at the same time without me between them. For naps, I get DS1 down in his floor bed while DS2 is on my other side. Once DS1 is asleep, I scoop up DS2 and put him in my bed (if I am lucky enough that he stays asleep). Another thing that works is to put DS2 in a wrap on me while I lay with DS1. That way when I get up, DS2 stays cuddled close and stays asleep even though I am moving.
More Green For Less Green
Off B.C. Jan '06, started charting Feb '08, 2% morphology and PCOS, no O with meds,
IVF w/ICSI only option to conceive.
Licensed Foster Parents 07.11
Miracle BFP 7.20.11 1st beta 6,274! EDD 3.17.12
Miracle Baby born March 5, 2012 . 6lbs 1oz, 19 3/4"
Miracle BFP #2 10.8.12 - edd 6.20.13
I don't have experience in this yet, since my second isn't here yet, but I'm planning on keeping my son who will be 18 months when she gets here in the bed with us. I'm hoping to get a cosleeper to give her a little bit of her own space.
Growing up, my brother and I both slept in my mom's bed until we were school aged.