DD woke up this morning with hives. The doctor's line is busy. I gave her benedryl 1.5hrs ago, but she was still scratching like crazy. It's all over her arms, legs, face, and a tiny bit on her belly button.
What worries me is that she didn't have anything but BM before the hives started. We changed her shampoo about 3 nights ago. It's still CA baby, but it now has scent. There is no new detergent.
Does anyone know how long after contact, do hives start? I'm guessing it's not from food. She had minestroni soup last night at 5.
Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
Re: My baby has hives...again
It could still be the shampoo. It usually takes 2 or 3 exposures to see a reaction.
If the Benadryl isn't working try children's Claritin.
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all of this. Hope she gets better soon.
She is sick. She has a runny nose, coughing, and sneezing. She finished a 10 day dose of amoxixilin for ear infection. They said that sometimes it's viral. We were told to continue Benedryl and wait it out. 6 hrs later, there are even more hives. Poor itchy baby! I was hoping for a lotion or cream to stop the itchies.
My youngest had hives after a few days of starting a new medicine. Call the pedi line again.
If its viral the hives will stick around for a few days then clear up on their own. See if you can find children's Claritin if the Benadryl isn't working. Poor kiddo. I hate seeing them uncomfortable.
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Thanks, I'll look into it! The Benedryl made the itching stop, but they have multipled. Her legs are absolutely covered. Last time she got them it took about 3 days to clear up. We never figured out the cause.