Goodness, Logan is getting big! Can you believe how "old" the babies are already!??!?!
Is Logan trying to be in the mix with the girls? Christopher thinks he's a big boy and wants to do everything (you can just see it in his eyes and his desire to jump out of your arms).
Re: ***momintn***
I know! It really is crazy that they are so big! She will be 6 months tomorrow and weighed 20 lbs 10 oz a couple weeks ago. She really wants to get down and play so bad. She is rolling everywhere trying to keep up.
Christopher is so cute! How much does he weigh?
I don't know how much he weighs, but he's been a peanut the entire time so far: 5th-10th percentiles.
He seems to have hit a growth spurt in the last couple of weeks, so we'll see.
Here is a picture without the binky
Thank you. She is a chunky monkey!