Just venting about the delights of another unexpected emotional upheaval. In the midst of doling out some delicious candies, I close the door and burst into tears. Great.
I live in NJ, so after our week, my town decided to have Helloween tonight.
Just the perfect ending to this crap week.
Since I'm venting thank you I will also report that my Lupron, Estrace and Vivelle cocktail is making me utterly nauseated and headachy.
Ahhh...I feel better already...not so much...but a little.
Re: Helloween.
I stayed inside on Halloween here. No, really, I don't think I stepped outside once (helped by the fact that my office was closed all week after Sandy). My neighborhood is usually chock-full of adorable little goblins. I just wasn't up to it.
Love the euphemism!
I hope things are slowly managing to get back to normal in NJ. I completely sympathize with you, because on my end of things, I can?t tell you what the outcome would be if you mixed a hurricane with Halloween, Lupron and Estrace!!!
I hope you are feeling better tonight! (((Hugs)))
TTC #1
Me 42, DH 47
IVF/ICSI #2 = BFP; early loss
IVF/ICSI #3 (DE) = BFP; early loss
Beta #1 @ 10dp6dt = 265; Beta #2 @ 14dp6dt = 1251.
1st U/S @ 6w2d showed one perfect little heartbeat!
2nd U/S @ 7w2d. HB 132 & everything measuring on track.
Our beautiful little girl arrived January 2015!
My Ovulation Chart
Me: 41 DH: 46. We are TTC our 1st, started July '11,
3 cycles clomid with Ob,
1 cycle Tamoxifen with Ob,
Diagnosed PCOS 11/5/12
clomid, trigger & timed bd 12/12 BFN
1st clomid IUI 1/4/13 BFN.
2nd clomid IUI 2/13 cancelled didn't respond to clomid.
3/15/13 scheduled laparoscopy & on bcp.
May 10 IUI from injectibles - BFN
May 22 done with interventions it will either happen or it won't.
February 2014 No longer actively trying, but not preventing.
SURPISE BFP 4/2/2015!!!!!!!!!!
Miscarriage 4/23/15